Senior Google Exec Fired For Faith; Google Axes Video From YouTube

Check it. Thanks Project Veritas; for informing America’s Man’s Man of the latest casualty in the culture war for that foundational American faith against the communists and media profiteers. Keep track of other casualties in the war for America’s God and Values on the list of those Fired for Faith.

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The Impending Super Happy Fun America Trainwreck Epitomizes Why Patriotic American Christians Keep Losing: Can They Turn It Around?

We patriotic, Jesus-loving Americans are happy and fulfilled.  But content, patriotic Americans have no existential conflict in our lives. No existential conflict, no drama; no drama, no television show; no television show, no ratings; no ratings, no profits; no profits, no FAKE NEWS.  It’s really that simple.  All you real Americans who love this country,, learn from others’ mistakes, and […]

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How Trump Won The 2016 Election

This is copyrighted material and all rights are strictly reserved. FakeNews and legit journalists alike must attribute this to Peter Vadala and the AmericasMansMan blog, or Peter Vadala will sue you for copyright infringement. When men approach me and ask me what the heck happened to American politics, I explain to them what is so obvious to me which isn’t […]

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The Downfall Of American Christianity

The Bible is God’s Word and always will be. It contains wisdom that continues to baffle even its harshest critics; actually it probably baffles its harshest critics the most, which is why they’re the Bible’s harshest critics. And they criticize the Bible at their own peril. That’s not what I’m talking about here when I talk about the downfall of […]

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Stop Petitioning Satan

I mean, you can. But do you think Satan will repent? I don’t. The Catholic American TFP, like One Million Moms, thinks if enough people petition Hulu they will stop pushing sodomy on kids. Christians have been trying this kind of thing for years, and despite short-term gains, the end result is always a disaster. The media companies rely upon […]

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