Your Constitutional Liberties Under Direct Attack With Wuhan Virus Bill, 5G

If you’ve ever accessed your favorite Web sites from the European Union, you may have noticed that they look a little different. That’s because the European Union, ironically, has some of the most stringent privacy protections in the world. For instance, cookies are often disallowed from entirely, so not even Yahoo or Microsoft dare to hide the same cookies that track us everywhere when we access all the major sites here in the United States. The FAANG companies and their sycophantic allies in Silicon Valley and beyond then go on to exploit this data in ways most of us haven’t even begun to reckon with yet.

2020 has brought two clear and present threats to anyone who cares about their Constitutional liberties and rights to privacy. These threats are: (1) a threat to monitor every message you send on all your devices and (2) 5G Cellular Service, or the deployment of fifth-generation cellular service, which presents immediate health risks among other things.

Digital Domestic Spying Bill

Very simply, the panic and fear successfully stirred up by our own domestic FakeNews media regarding CoronaVirus has helped instigate an unconstituational and wholly unnecessary Congressional bill which would allow the Federal Government to read every message that you send from all your devices. Read the story from WorldNetDaily/WND here.

5G Trojan Horse Presents Major, Major Threats To Your Health, Constitutional Liberties

5G has a number of problematic issues that the FakeNews is forbidden to investigate, namely because the FakeNews industry is intrinsically tied in with all technology delivery systems. Which is to say that you can’t watch your FakeNews Disney-owned ABC premium features, for instance, if you don’t have fast enough internet. Think about it – news is all about freaking you out of your mind to extract a profit from you, and with 5G technology, the FakeNews industry will be able to do just that exponentially faster than they’re already doing it. So why would the FakeNews badmouth a business partner (the telecom industry) upon which they are completely and helplessly dependent as fewer and fewer Americans are taken in by FakeNews?

5G Presents Immediate Health Risks to You And Your Family

Have you ever gotten sick from the smart meter on your electrical hookup, which emits cellular-like RF radiation at a power about 100x greater than your 4G/LTE cell phone?

Well, big telecom is making a push to blitzkrieg your neighborhood, and every neighborhood in America – suburban, urban, everything else, with millions and millions of 5G signal disbursement boxes which are known to have already caused multiple instances of childhood cancer at one elementary school where they were installed – all while being completely within FCC regulatory guidelines. Sadly, this is not an issue our good President has been on the right side of.

But it gets worse. The very same high-band frequencies that 5G relies upon to provide reliable service, so you can download that entire movie in fifteen seconds – the bait – has been proven by 60’s-era government research to be able to immediately incapacitate human beings. This at a time when health concerns continue to loom about existing, ugly standard 4G cell phone towers, and the dangers associated with living near them which someone is paying the American Cancer Society a lot of money to talk about in an extremely sugar-coated manner about.

Don’t Believe The Industry Hype About 5G

A few local news outlets in the test-lab-rat cities like Denver, where 5G is already being tried out, have dared to ask what they call the question you’re “not supposed to ask,” which is, “Are there legitimate health risks of 5G technology?” Because I live in Boston, of course, the tech industry here certainly wants the FakeNews to keep quiet about this critical question.

One of the biggest Trojan Horses of the Reagan Administration for patriots was Reagan’s deregulation of the broadcast industry, which has helped set up the rip-and-read FakeNews industry as we know it today.

Right now, President Trump needs to be urged by all of us who love God and Country to resist the donations of the telecom industry – which at the end of the day, we’re all going to end up paying for if the big companies start installing these dangerous, cancer-emitting boxes so that you won’t be able to escape their reach, even by moving. This is partially because Bill Clinton signed a bill back in the 90’s which prevents your local city or town government from zoning-out cellular towers on the basis of health concerns.

An Out-Of-Control Digital Communications Industry We Must Urge Congress To Rein in.

I’ve always said that Silicon Valley has usurped traditional broadcast news as the new FakeNews manipulators. That is, Silicon Valley is the new Fake News. Right now, all of us who love God and Country need to be very, very concerned and take immediate action in contacting our legislators in Congress and the Senate about these two big digital threats to our Constitutional Liberties in 2020 and beyond. These threats are: (1) The Digital Domestic Spying Bill, which would allow the Federal Government to read all the messages we send and receive on all our devices (presumably to prevent Corona Virus) and (2) The much hurried push by big telecom companies (Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, Apple) to roll out 5G transmitters which, at the end of the day, will charge all of us more cash (again contrary to the FakeNews hype) to emit carcinogetic waves of military weapon-grade highband frequencies which can be easily manipulated by our Federal Government and enemies abroad.

Oh, and good luck cutting through to the truth of the matter if you’re still searching with Google (try DuckDuckGo).

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