Musings On Fantasmic, The “Singularity,” And The Anti-Social FAANGTT+M Media

Editorial Note: What began as a note to Fantasmic Composer Bruce Healey about why his original Fantasmic score was superior to “Fantasmic 2.0” developed into a revelation as to the clear and definitive evil that our lazy deference to technology is what will destroy us as a nation if we’re not careful. It will destroy our art, it will destroy our society, and ultimately, our own sloth and folly will undo us as a church and as a nation. What follows is the unedited note. (America’s Man’s Man 2/17/2021)

Bruce and Dan,

I love the Fantasmic score to the point of obsession; but the new lead female singer doesn’t have that light, airy quality of the old one.  She has a masculine/androgynous quality which comes off as hawkish; not to mention that there simply isn’t feeling; she seems disconnected from the score, and has an annoying nasal inclination.  And Mickey’s intrusions seem almost obscene.  It’s for all these reasons that I appreciate Mr. Healey’s original score far better.
furthermore that, you understand, the essential thing to understand about music today is that, like film, we are relying on technology to the point of laziness.  And so some of the opening bits before the halfway point are overly-synthesized.  It’s just too much.  And frankly, contemporary musical taste is so diluted that the audience frankly can’t tell the difference – however, we do them a disservice by depriving them of authentic musical quality.  And – if that’s your intention, to overwhelm the audience with brash commercial branding, then you’ve succeeded.  But if you lose that spark of humanity that drove all Disney’s growth, then you’ve lost.  Because there are a million and one competitors churning out commercial crassness. It’s a clanging cymbal. And what the heck is Mickey doing, anyway? Fantasmic 2.0’s Mickey really needs to calm himself down.

Anyway, any miscreant with a cheap computer in a government project can toy with a synthesizer, but it is that vibe – when Bernstein is jamming in a room with a crusty old black bass player and a Soprano – it’s that real, authentic human quality that cannot be duplicated by a computer.
That’s what people want when they go to a Disney park.  They want humanity.  They don’t want something their phone (equipped with what was once NASA supercomputer technology) can do.

Who the hell am I to advise composers.  But that’s what’s missing.  There’s so much computer-generated filth – sensory overload, information overload.  It’s a perversion of what Disney meant by “plussing everything.”  Right now, Bob Iger and his successors have out-crass-commercialized Walt Disney himself.

All of that said, the warmth and richness of the mixes is interesting; your segregating the secondary parts of the orchestra has the quality of making it sound more like a live performance, like an original broadway recording, as you allow the individual parts of the orchestra, the drums, the secondary horns, to come out more, in Fantasmic 2.0 — it’s “less processed,” in a word, giving the impression, like a Beatles-era album, of a vast symphonic spread, as if one is surrounded by the instruments themselves, which I suppose, is the intention.  

Anyway, I simply think it is a heck of the score.  The modulations play a chief role — like in that Journey To The Past bit by your competitor (which was horridly animated, along with the others of its time from the others).

Disney’s lost its heart.  Part of that is normal in any business.  There is the commercial, the selling, to attend to.  But the technology must always be made to serve the human, and not the other way around.  Or, if you will, the technology must (gag) always be made to serve … the mouse.  The message of Song of the South, Disney’s pride and joy, is that the critters have gotten so far removed from the humans.  What that really means is that people are getting separated from nature.

What does this mean in the larger socio-economic context?  Well, it’s simply this — Americans are being asked to submit what is in our American DNA, the greatest human specimens that have ever walked the earth, perhaps – certainly God’s Exceptional Nation – we’re being asked to submit to “systems,” as the communists, the Marxists, the RINOs, the Joe-Camel Shadow-administration calls it – which are distinctly not our own.  Which are distinctly anti-American to their very core.  And I understand that it’s not popular to throw around the term Anti-American among FakeNews Media Types.  But that’s precisely what it is.
Our DNA, perfected over thousands, perhaps millions of years (a distinction outside the scope of this writing, and frankly, to me, besides the point.  The point is, God perfected us, in some way or another, to the point where we achieved fruition as His Chosen People, The Americans.  Which is not to say that the Jews aren’t.  But as of today, America is God’s Exceptional Nation.
Now.  the BigTech profiteers have rallied around a trendy, “Close Encounters With The Third Kind” buzz-word called, The Singularity.  For those of you blessed to be ignorant enough of such inanities – you know, those of you who, as I do, cling to my guns and my Bible (don’t commit illegal violence, disavow and denounce, et cetera cetera cetera cetera ad nauseam)– the silicon valley profiteers have been trying to sell America on the idea that somehow, computers will become “smarter” than the human race.  Fark Suckerberg – the most antisocial man in the world, sold us on the idea that a platform designed to compare our wives, our mothers, and our girls to Farm Animals – as if we all lived on an Animal Farm of some sort — this misanthropic, and forgive me but probably autistic narcissist if there ever was one — has convinced the ignorant among us that the most anti-social thing we could ever do with our days — stare at pictures of perfect strangers, a habit which builds innocently thumbing through a few, et cetera, cetera, cetera, cetera, cetera – evolves into the stalkerish habit of spending hours, days, weeks, years on Facebook.  We used to call Facebook “Stalker-Net” when it first came out.  
Let me be very clear, Facebook has no redemptive qualities, and neither does Mark Zuckerberg — unless I see him kneeling before a tent rally to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.  If I don’t see the proof of that, I am convinced that Mark Zuckerberg is – well, a servant of Satan.  
In any event, it is this perverse ecosystem of the FAANGTT+M Companies (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google, Twitter, TikTok, Disney+ and Microsoft) — and their perpetual anti-American, Marxist assault on America’s sensibilities — all corroborated by the FakeNews, which Disney+ has a large stake in, mind you — sheer selfish profiteers (Profit-ears?), exploitative, all of them.
Some feared when Disney products first came out that he was hijacking the national imagination.  Snow White was art.  But it all began downhill (in the negative sense of the phrase) from there.  Just look at the Waltz the Sherman Brothers ripped off?  Even in that there were redemptive Christian values.  But yuck.  It’s disgusting.  Disney today is built to feed the worst character flaws of the lowest common denominator dumb enough to give Disney money.
But back to the “Singularity.”  Let us never forget that if Disney started with a Mouse, Facebook began with one candidate to be the next Harvard UNABOMBER’s wet dream to compare women to cows.  Not exactly princely behavior.  Zuckerberg fancies himself a “little prince.”  What Zuckerberg and Disney have in common is a perverse sense of what royalty Lorde.  Who obviously thinks that she herself is her own Lorde and Savior, and not Jesus Christ.

So – remember that the biggest con-job that has been perpetuated on the human race in the last 20 years, as someone who works in the industry (and if you really understand its nature, I have worked in it) — is the fact that in some way, shape, or form, that Social Media in its current commercially successful form (FAANGTT+M) is somehow a benefit to humanity.  That somehow, it is actually social, and not anti-social.  This is all marketing.  If you understand the most rudimentary principles of psychology, anthropology, of good and evil; if you understand that it is objectively wrong to murder an innocent man, then it naturally follows that what is marketed perversely as “social media” is no more social than the 80’s New York City Pornography Cinema.  In fact, the 1980’s New York City Pornography Cinema was more wholesome than Facebook.  This is not hyperbole.  This is wisdom, this is objective moral truth.
We’ve been conned, America.  And the most natural thing in the world to do when you’ve been conned is to try to save face, to try to con the next man, that you yourself might not look so idiotic as to admit that you’ve been conned.  Which would be all well and good except America is dying.  And if we’re not careful, Technology will be the final nail in our coffin, which will soon be nuked by our Foreign Enemies – because that’s what our foreign enemy, particularly China, does, they like to kick a man when he’s down.  They know no civility, they know no good will.
In the same manner that so-called “social media” is actually anti-social, the Singluarity is merely an accidental marketing attempt by Silicon Valley to convince us that computers – which we must remember are, in their essence, mere electronic switches.  Let’s address that before moving on.
Computers are not human.  Computers cannot imagine, cannot see into the future.  They can only do, like Communists, what they are told to do by humans.  What they’re programmed to do.  If, as in the movie Terminator, a computer program kills a man, the computer can’t take responsibility for it.  The computer doesn’t have a soul.  Who’s responsible?  The man who made the computer is responsible.  Just like the self-driving cars that man-slaughtered innocent people were made by men.  Those men are responsible and must be brought to justice for their unruly programs.
And it’s your civic responsibility and mine to see to it that justice is served.  That these antisocial, people-hating miscreants like Jack Dorsey, who in their hearts desire evil and harm to you, me, and the entire American family — not be allowed to do so.
There is no such thing as the Singularity.  It’s a bogus marketing term, accidentally arrived at, but adamantly propagated by those who have a commercial interest in seeing America be miserable, as the media has always sought to do to America, since Benjamin Franklin’s first printing presses.  Does that mean we throw the printing press into the river?  No, but we hold it accountable.
We THINK, is what we do.  We reject the devious, anti-American marketing terms which benefit a handful of stockholders but which do a grave disservice to humanity.  Marketing terms like “social media.”  Media is inherently anti-social – and I have studied and worked in it at length.  If you’d like to learn more about why, take the Media 101 reading course on

There is no Social Media – at least — not in the way it has existed thus far, and we ought not trust any of the FAANGTT+M Companies to lie to us and say that they’re working on a truly social iteration.  Their intent is evil, and we must turn to Parlers, etc, to find leaders who can manage the good parts of the technology so as to repurpose the technology in such a way that the medium is fundamentally altered to serve, rather than exploit America.
Because, to the two people who voted for Joe Biden (Joe and Kamala) – America is not in need of a fundamental transformation.  Our media is in need of a fundamental transformation.

Because, since the advent of broadcast, really, since the advent of the printing press in America, our American media has always been a force for evil.
And while there is no singularity to fear, and while we have nothing to fear but fear itself, which we ourselves control — if we, Americans, choose to allow ourselves to be conned for much longer by the deliberate fear and misinformation campaign of the FAANGTT+M companies, I’m afraid that nobody will be responsible for us selling the land of the Free to evil China except for ourselves.  And really, what will happen is this — China will attack America, and then Russia will blow up both China and what’s left of the United States.
All of this, of course, completely preventable.  But it begins with a firm commitment to purge all FAANGTT+M media from your life.

Yours Sincerely,

America’s Man’s Man

Don’t commit illegal violence.

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