Stop Petitioning Satan

I mean, you can. But do you think Satan will repent? I don’t.

The Catholic American TFP, like One Million Moms, thinks if enough people petition Hulu they will stop pushing sodomy on kids.

Christians have been trying this kind of thing for years, and despite short-term gains, the end result is always a disaster.

The media companies rely upon subverting culture to turn a profit. Such is the essence of commercial media the only way they’ve ever known how to make it mildly profitable. All they do is find a more subtle way of propagandizing the youth. Look at Disney with the lesbians in Toy Story 4. Good Christian Bitch reruns are still available, by the way.

So, long story short, in a free market, ABC and Hulu don’t owe you anything. So Christians, stop acting like needy wussies and turn off Hulu and your TVs and figure out a way to free yourself of your TV addiction rather than justifying it by screaming back at the TV producers. Because they really don’t care; it just helps them better corrupt people when you yell back.

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