Values of America’s Man’s Man

by America’s Man’s Man Editor Peter Vadala

Peter Stands Outside Brookstone After Being Fired For Faith
America Boycotted Brookstone, And Brookstone Filed for Bankruptcy
PHOTO: MassResistance

Where America Stands

Thanks to the FakeNews world of make-believe, many people today believe values are something that one simply soaks in via osmosis. As a man of values, America’s Man’s Man cautions you that this is not the case.

Values are something that need to be worked at every single day. If we don’t practice our values, we will lose them. And furthermore, we can’t work at exercising our values – putting them into action – if we don’t have a clue what they are!

Lots of people today are talking about values, but thanks to media influence, very few Americans today can identify just what those values are.

In an age of profound moral confusion, it is necessary to reassert and confirm as an American people who we are, and what we stand for.

Feel free to read this value statement along with me, and for best results, read and re-read this every day as you work on putting our American Values into practice for yourself, alongside your Bible.

Our American Values

One Nation Under God: America’s Man’s Man is anti-secession, and unequivocally against dissolution of the Union, on the grounds that good stewardship is our responsibility as citizens of this intrinsically Christian nation as revealed through both literal revelation in which our Founding Fathers were subconsciously steeped, as well as natural revelation, i.e. the way God’s presence reveals himself in a sun setting over Purple Mountain Majesties in the Rockies or the Adirondacks.

Individual Autonomy: America’s Man’s Man values individual rights, and believes nobody, including the Federal Government, has any natural or sovereign authority to forcibly inject any foreign substances into the human body. This belief is closely related to practice religion freely, as oftentimes Individual Autonomy violates individuals’ sincerely-held religious beliefs.

National Sovereignty: America is a holy and sacred nation, with borders which it is every American man’s duty to protect and defend, with freedom extending to our women to participate in the birthright of protecting and defending our nation if they feel so called.

Equality Of Opportunity – America’s Man’s Man believes in allowing natural opportunities to present themselves to All Americans, regardless of manufactured subculture labels which are a construction of antiAmerican policy makers, such as the “gay community,” which, incidentally, is neither “gay”(happy) nor a “community.” America’s Man’s Man does not believe it is government’s role to use taxpayer money at any level to manufacture special-interest opportunities for anyone, for the simple reason that if there is a legitimate need being met by anyone, the market forces by nature provide natural rewards for anyone who is truly contributing a legitimate good or service to society. And if such natural rewards are not earned from employment endeavors, it is nature’s method of cluing the individual that they need to find a better method of contributing to society.

America First: Globalism is a menace to America, and all foreign and domestic policies should seek to further first and foremost the interests of America, upon which, by God’s grace, the freedom of the world hinges.

Subjugation Of Media Entertainment, Including News, To National Security Interests: During my lifetime, I have observed media in all of its forms usurp authentic Christian, Constitutional self-governance by and for Us, The People, Under God. For this reason, and with respect to freedom of speech, media, tech, and other private corporate and personal interests must be subjugated to the national security of the United States Of America, including being subjugated to the moral integrity of the United States of America, which is greatly compromised in 2021. In particular as just one example, cameras of all kinds should be limited in court proceedings of all kinds, particularly motion picture cameras.

Election Integrity: Particularly after the compromised 2020 American Presidential election, America’s elections need to be locally governed as they have been traditionally, with all applicable laws being strengthened as necessary to cope with the recent alien invasions orchestrated by Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Furthermore, BigTech and FakeNews influences need to be limited so as to never subvert the American Presidential Elections ever again as they did in 2020. Few American institutions are as sacred as the Ballot Box and vote, and we must guard these with our lives if necessary, and teach our young to revere them and all these values.

Capitalism: I reject atheistic communism in all of its forms, and the FakeNews Media which promotes it to profit off the resulting misery of the American people.

American Exceptionalism: America First. We live in an interconnected world, and there is many an economic opportunity to participate in a world economy. However, a fad book by Thomas Friedman takes the reality of an interconnected world and insinuates Friedman’s own hatred of America in such a way that has duped an entire generation of impressionable Ivy League Scholars into nearly squandering our American birthright. The main takeaway here, America is an Exceptional nation, and anyone who disagrees either doesn’t understand who we are, or like the loser Friedman, is intentionally attempting to undermine our sovereignty by betting against the nation that has given him everything he has.

Faith: I can say with zero fear of error that Jesus Christ and the Bible is the bedrock of American culture, more than any other element of Greco-Roman Civilization. If you love the American way, you love the God, and His Book, which is the fundamental blueprint that sets apart the Land of the Free.

Media Accountability: As someone who worked in the FakeNews, I know just how evil it is. Make no mistake: the FakeNews is Domestic Terrorist Number One. The long and sordid history of the FakeNews in America has always evidenced the worst elements of society who attempt to earn their daily bread by profiting off, and perpetuating the misery of the American people. It’s a vast wasteland for the mind, which uses technology to subvert the driven, motivated, successful American mind from productive endeavors. As a free-market capitalist, I don’t believe in regulating these companies except to the extent that their use of technology constitutes sedition, and subversion of the electoral process, and other voting processes. Ultimately the solution is for more people to tell the truth, that the evils of the FakeNews may be fully illuminated. “Sunlight is the best disinfectant,” is what I’ve heard.

Tech & Media Accountability, And Subjugation To National Interests: Silicon Valley’s tech firms, namely the FAANG (or FAANNGTT+M) companies, are merely the FakeNews on steroids. The tools we use are only as good as how we use them; otherwise we’re not using the computers; the computers are using us.

English: English is the greatest language ever written, spoken, thought, or read. It is for this reason that it is the duty of every proper American government agency to speak and write only in English, and encourage others to learn English from any number of charitable ventures just dying to help others learn this most indispensable tool for success. It would be cruel and unusual punishment to deprive even an illegal alien of this powerful, free tool before we bid him safe journey back to his land of citizenship.

Sexual Integrity: Women and men are happiest, both, when a husband is “on top” during consummation and every conjugal encounter following, which should, of course, be accomplished in private and without any artificial technology intended to prevent or reduce conception. What was good for the Puritans is good for you and me. Naturally, Homosexuality, Sodomy, and any other forms of perverse sexual acts, including cancer-causing “oral sex,” should be re-criminalized. The reason that many Americans, unfortunately, turn to these self-destructive practices today is because they have fallen prey to maleficent media influences. The truth is, there is no private sin; and there are no private crimes in God’s Exceptional Nation. When you engage in perverse sexual behavior, you might think you’re hiding it behind closed doors, however, your cancer can infect the larger social good and therefore must be recriminalized.

Good Male Leadership: Women and men would be best served by the repeal of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Let’s face it. America’s women ain’t getting any happier. The best solution to the qualms of the modern feminist are men who take control for all the right reasons. Because, remember, a feminist is simply a woman who has been hurt in the worst possible way by a man, and this is best solved at the macro culture by reverting to a more Christian ethic relating to marriage.

Sound Perspective On Immigration: Most of the loudest voices today regarding immigration are, in actuality, highly skilled manipulators of a media-obsessed American populace. Wisdom and kindness bids that we promptly report and deport any and all illegal aliens, and crack down on the proliferation of manipulations attempting to subvert America, her people, and the God who created us American citizens in this Kingdom of Heaven On Earth, This Blessed Christian Republic. Naturally, there are exceptions to any rule, however, today’s America is in zero danger of not being charitable enough to the alien. The biggest criminals, perhaps, aren’t the illegal aliens, but the devious judges attempting to subvert United States immigration law, and the evil professors at such institutions as Boston University training a whole new crop of criminal alien lawyers and anti-American sympathizers.

Salvation Through Jesus Christ Alone: Love above all things. I don’t like NAZIs, and I really wish they’d stop misrepresenting white people and quit being Jews about the whole thing, like Adolf Hitler. Jews have it tough enough. If you’re a NAZI reading this, quit messing with the Jews, you stupid NAZIs, because when you’re all like, “Kill the Jews!” – then you actually are being a florking Jew, just like Adolf Hitler. Enough already. As for the Jewish People, God will be faithful to them, however, if you’ve been alive for more than a day, you understand that because they lack Christ, people of Jewish faith can sometimes be extremely uncharitable in business dealings. As Christians, we must on the one hand not spite Jewish People for their lack of salvation through Christ, however always be abundantly clear that salvation may not be achieved through their God, except by way of Jesus Christ. In other words, the only truly faithful Jew is a “Jew for Jesus.” Islam, as C.S. Lewis noted, is merely a cheap cult of Christianity, which results in terror. But hey, so is the FakeNews. In this regard, even the faithful Muslim, once educated, will worship Jesus Christ, since the Koran is merely a perverse twisting of the Bible, as are the only slightly less-harmful, and laughably historically inaccurate writings of Joseph Smith.

Sanctity Of Life: Abortion is a euphemism for murder, and so the issue of abortion really is as simple as applying all the laws that apply to the taking of any other living life. Some very bad men convinced a bunch of women that they would be happier by murdering their own children, which of course is a woman’s pride and joy. If you don’t believe a child is a woman’s chief pride and joy, look at all the women today who, despite lacking a father figure for their child, continue choosing the better decision not to murder their own offspring. This is a very simple issue, and shouldn’t be needlessly complicated by such egregious judiciary faux pas as Roe v. Wade. Don’t murder your own child. It’s really that simple. Let’s not complicate the matter.

Permanency Of Marriage: No-fault divorce was one of the greatest mistakes America ever made. If you’re going to marry someone, that should mean something. Furthermore, judges need to start enforcing the anti-divorce laws already on the books.

Proper Perspective On Social Justice: Most of the so-called Social Justice Warriors today are mostly highly skilled manipulators playing largely on the emotions of a media-obsessed populace. While all these issues represent significant moral concerns, generally, the Social Justice Warriors who trumpet them do so because of their displaced cognitive dissonance regarding their own broken families. In other words, the people who are the loudest on these points generally care for puppy dogs and minorities because they hate themselves and their own families, and America so much. And all of these people need to think long and hard about whether their decision to go on willfully self-loathing, and America-loathing, is really a productive and wise lifestyle choice.

Sanctity Of Marriage: Sodomy will ultimately be re-criminalized, and is only legal now due to a large-scale epidemic of media-induced psychosis, which will pass only if America is smart enough to avoid falling prey to dishonest advertising pitches to the contrary, namely orchestrated by Amazon and Google.

Population Control: Human life is a gift, full of potential. Adopting an attitude that somehow our own American offspring are a burden runs contrary to the Biblical, American tradition of respect for the dignity of human life, and protecting God’s exceptional nation above all else. For this reason, fertility, particularly of our best and brightest, ought be encouraged, not discouraged, as unfortunately the disingenuous FakeNews and other Globalist profiteers have been advocating, and advertising.

Sanctity Of Life In Regard To Eugenics: The natural desire of American civilization to pursue better breeding among itself should never be used as an excuse to murder or otherwise intentionally mistreat those who are less fortunate. The less fortunate have enough obstacles, without those of us whom God choose to bless, for whatever reason, making life even more cruel for them. Conversely, no American citizen ought be compelled to sacrifice of ourselves for them – except out of the goodness of our hearts; which is to say, never by the law. The former compulsion, the conscience, makes for a cheerful giver, while the latter makes for a resentful and embittered populace. The bottom line: a good end is only very rarely, if ever, a justification for an evil means; and if you think your case is the exception, God says, tread carefully.

Faith In The Electoral College: We shall trust in the Founders’ wisdom regarding the supreme wisdom of the Electoral College.

Fair Labor Laws: Contemporary Labor Laws work more toward the excessive manipulation of union members than might otherwise exist absent laws protecting union bosses, who take much more than their fair share of members’ hard-earned cash. Furthermore, the union phenomenon was created by communists in the early 20th century as a means of overturning the exceptional engine of American enterprise – the Christian Work Ethic (or the Protestant Work Ethic). The bottom line, if you’re a productive American contributing to the economy, there are plenty of head-hunters who are just dying to hire you at any given moment. Your market worth is, thankfully, determined by what people are willing to pay you. And if you’re going through a tough time, trust me – there are many very good people in this nation willing to help you get back on your feet, what without some union boss taking ten, twenty, even fifty percent of your hard-earned wages. For all these reasons I am anti-union, and pro-free-market.

Control Of Harmful Drugs: When we drink or worse, engage in the use of harmful drugs, prescription or not, we’re only really cheating ourselves out of a bright future, a happy life, and a happy family. For this reason, if someone offers you drugs – even, in come cases, your Primary Care Physician, Just Say No.

Affordable Care Act: There is nothing affordable about the Affordable Care Act. It must be repealed and replaced, but furthermore, it must be replaced with a fiscally responsible healthcare legislation – or better yet, none at all.

Social Security: We must better learn to care for our wise, Seasoned Seniors as we would like to be cared for when we are ourselves Seasoned Seniors, in such a way that they may lean on the cheerful giving of a productive populace, and not a vast bureaucracy which far removes John Q. Taxpayer from the government entity or contractor performing the service John is paying him to execute, which obfuscates accountability to oblivion.

States’ Rights: The sovereignty of the American state must be respected except in cases issues of national security and sovereignty. Illegal Alien Control should be regulated by the Federal Government when each state is not adequately protecting a nation from the threat of malicious foreigners. That said, state sovereignty should never be paid lip-service as an excuse, as Mitt Romney uses it, for political ambivalence or indecision.

Constitutional Integrity: Any person attempting to serve as a judge or justice on an American bench must first demonstrate that he is attempting to interpret the Constitution accurately, and is not attempting to “legislate from the bench,” which is how the American Supreme Court forced an entire generation to “bend over and grab its ankles,” as Rush Limbaugh says.

Christian Work Ethic: We believe that faith without works is dead. We reject the modern Televangelist reduction of Gospel to John 3:16 out of context, because we know the Bible is a living, breathing book, the very word of God itself. The God of America can not, will not, be reduced to a Fake-News sound bite. If your entire knowledge of the Bible is John 3:16, be warned that you will meet no uncertain peril. It’s not what drove the Puritans across the seas, and it will not guide you to your own Salvation, predestined or not.

But what, you might ask, does the Christian Work Ethic entail? Per Ziglar, I’d like to include a list of factors which differentiate the Christian work ethic: Organization, effort, sagacity, integrity, peace of mind, entrepreneurship, abundance, faith, hope, love, family, benevolence, charity, punctuality, truthfulness, passion, intelligence, competence, tenacity, and above all, persistence.


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