White Guilt A Product Of Social Justice Warriors’ Misplaced Maternal Drive

Take a bunch of kids from their mothers, scare the mothers out of protecting their kids through years of media conditioning, and those mothers will find something, anything, to compensate for their own lack of fulfilling what God designed them to do, fully potentializing their feminine selves in the form of procreation. Because women weren’t built to fight such intellectual wars. It’s a fact. I know Larry Summers got fired from Harvard, and James Damore got fired from Google, for suggesting this, but, it’s the way nature and God simply made things. I’ll flesh this out.

This is not an original thought, by any stretch. To their credit, the early women of the 1900’s understood clearly what is clearly etched in the feminine heart.

But the men of God’s Exceptional Nation told women in the United States something particularly debilitating in the 19th century, largely due to the wartime stresses that come with the responsibilities of being the World’s leading nation.

Men told women, “we won’t respect you unless you’re successful by man-standards.” And a rogue Catholic named John Rock subsequently dolled out the poison to American women that would allow them to meet this impossible standard of living as a man.

At this point in our history, the “women must live by man-standards,” has been internalized to the point where women are actually calling themselves men. God forbid a girl should wear a dress, or do anything remotely feminine, least of all bear a healthy number of children.

The unintended consequences are legion; women have internalized the guilt of betraying themselves in this way, and men have done the same, protesting, as the guilt-beleaguered often do, by protesting vocally on just about every scapegoat for their betrayal of self as one could think of. Save the whales! Let’s ban all plastic bags! Let’s arbitrarily put other races on a pedestal. Translation: we hate ourselves, to the point where we’ll condemn our own people.

It’s not limited to white people. This kind of self-loathing is most especially clear in the black gentleman who staged his own MAGA-hanging of sorts, Jessie Smollett. Not surprisingly, he identifies as “homosexual.” Read: “I hate myself. I’m not worthy to reproduce. I’m disgusted with my dad. I’m not worthy of reproducing in a real way, so I’ll reproduce myself via film to commiserate with other homosexuals, and by the way, I’ll join in the anti-American cause in order to profit from it personally because who cares.”

America’s Man’s Man’s solution? Well, it’s simple, but your cerebral, fearful mind may not like it very much. It’s simple, but it’s not easy.

Just – have a normal amount of children, as they did back in the 1900’s. Leave the rest to God. And then, maybe silly Disney movies like “Bambi” that demonize hunters and farmers who provide the food that humans need to survive – won’t make you cry so much, because you have your own kids to worry about. Speaking of which, why should a child have to worry about parental death prematurely? The natural conclusion to draw from such a movie is that hunters, males, are evil.

The Bible says “Women will be saved by childbirth.” Let’s not overcomplicate it, or put the Bible through the rigors of an evil, overly analytical, “analysis paralysis” theological machine like those at liberal Gordon-Conwell Theological seminary. God’s message gets shredded, minced, and masticated in such evil machines. So preachers, stop trying to box God’s word into the dim stage of worldly thinking.

“She will be saved by childbirth.” Enough said. Quit acting out your own masculine energy in rape, and the Good Lord only knows what else. Women, if you get teary-eyed when you see a deer shot, and I know you’re probably triggered to think this is misogynistic, or sexist – but I don’t care, because if I’m a misogynist, then so is the God of the Bible, and that’s just plain silly.

Do your job, have babies, and maybe – just maybe, you may not live quite as long, but you’ll live better, and your life will be worth something.

You heard it from America’s Man’s Man. Do you agree? I love hearing from readers in the comments below. And thanks for following America’s Man’s Man.

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