VIDEO: Jordan Peterson Misses The Obvious In His Clinical Diagnosis Of Leftist AcadeMIA’S DISCONNECT FROM REALITY

Expatriate Academic Jordan Peterson And The Author Of The Parasitic Mind Clinically Diagnose The Disconnect Between Academia And Reality

America’s Man’s Man Executive Summary

Canadian Psychologist Jordan Peterson and guest Gad Saad examine in high resolution the hijacking of academia with what they call “parasitic ideas” infecting Western Civilization.

Commentary By America’s Man’s Man

While Jordan Peterson and guest Gad Saad make great points about the manner in which leftist academia and generally bright people tend to be hijacked by inane “parasitic” theories, they fail to grasp one big, central point which most thought leaders, including Donald Trump, are failing to grasp, about the pure and simple nature of the manner in which these discussions are being held, and that is simply this fact:

As Peterson’s fellow Canadian academic and MIT Scholar Marshall McLuhan famously said, “The Medium Is The Message.” This entire video discussion, in the first half, presents many valid arguments about the nature of Academia’s descent into insanity – namely that the liberal arts world is not as rooted in reality as its more sciences-oriented fields are, and thus provides more room for disconnect from fundamental observable scientific fact. Hence, the “liberal arts” realm of the education world is more susceptible to Marxist attacks on logic because, as Jordan Peterson himself has previously discussed, educational institutions are “pleasure island,” which in most cases exploits rather than educates students, deliberately leading them astray as a function of their profit models (some extrapolation by America’s Man’s Man included here, but generally the point Peterson has made).

In Jordan Peterson’s often neurotic and detail-focused, clinical methods of analysis, he loses the forest for the trees. Meaning, here, his being bound by perceived academically empirical limitations in his assessment of why the very best ideas are not dominating the marketplace of ideas, as they ought to do by both Darwinian and Christian American Standards – is, ironically, preventing him from reaching a most obvious conclusion.

In part, the reason Peterson cannot see the painfully obvious bane, or barrier, to his own correct conclusions rising to the surface of academia, is limited by profit motives of two industry sectors, one of which, ironically, he is a part of and has called out; and a third which perhaps is slightly less obvious.

America’s Man’s Man Conclusion

Jordan Peterson would do well to recall the sage warning of his fellow Canadian Academic’s theoretical advice, which no doubt he has missed here only because Marshall McLuhan’s prophetic theory is just degrees beyond Peterson’s highly specialized realm of study. Peterson is a clinical psychologist and anthropological analyst; while McLuhan studied the nature of electronic media. I, the author, am one who studies media, which today may be understood to include both the FakeNews of America past; as well as its child medium, “Social Media,” which is really Anti-Social media, of course.

It is my conclusion, bringing these two fields of study together; the psychological and the media — because the latter has a profound effect on the former, that: the principal reason that the very best ideas are not achieving widespread recognition (ideas with broad practical utility/ideas which serve humanity best) IS NOT DUE TO THE INHERENT NATURE OF SAID IDEAS, OR MOTIVATIONS OF THE INDIVIDUAL, OR MANIPULATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL, although these factors play a role. Humanity has always been prone to herd manipulation. However, the root cause of suppression of the truth, those ideas which serve humanity best in a free marketplace of ideas, is primarily this — and I make this conclusion as a millennial with a very high degree of literacy of the media and, implicitly, intrinsic knowledge of media’s essence and how it impacts the individual, and thus, society –

The single most important factor suppressing truth in a free marketplace of ideas is that the free marketplace of ideas is a delusion which Jordan Peterson and his guest have not recognized in this discussion; either out of ignorance or, ironically, out of Jordan Peterson’s realization that his channel and thus prolonged success as a YouTube Celebrity depends upon his maintaining a “Pleasure Island” like that he accused his original industry of academia of. In other words, either consciously or unconsciously, Jordan Peterson here is making a decision, along with his guest, to either ignore the fact that the “social media” is a sham of a free marketplace of ideas — and one that, as he well knows, tried to suppress him until he threatened YouTube, resulting in the reinstatement of his channel.

The evidence that so-called “social media,” namely Google-YouTube, manipulates search results is painfully obvious to the rest of us. In fact, If I had to make an educated guess, I would guess that Google-YouTube has intentionally kept Jordan Peterson and most of the world similarly ignorant of Project Veritas and countless other researchers who have found a chronic pattern of censorship among the FAANGTT+M Companies (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google, Twitter, Tiktok, Disney+, Microsoft-Linkedin). This is the only plausible explanation, extending Jordan Peterson the benefit of the doubt, which I can think of that would explain Jordan Peterson and his guest’s omitting a fact which is painfully obvious as me, who is intimately familiar with the manner in which the FAANGTT+M Companies operate.

The Answer: Why Peterson And Saad, and All Logical People’s Conclusions Are Suppressed, While Evil Mistruths, “Parasitic Ideas” Gain Traction

The bottom line — the answer to the question Jordan Peterson and his guest set out to answer – and fail to definitively answer, is painfully obvious and painfully simple, however if you have an obsessively detail-oriented, cerebral, neurotic mind such as Jordan Peterson, you lose the forest for the trees. After all, apart from spurts of mob groupthink, humanity ultimately makes decisions which benefit themselves, and the rest of humanity, with whom humanity is ultimately intertwined; and so even though some humans may draw erroneous conclusions in the short-term, and even bend to them out of fear of going against the tide, humans ultimately will see the truth out, in a truly free marketplace of ideas.

The Economy Of The Free Marketplace Of Ideas Is Different In Theory And In Practice

Ask any economist, and they will tell you that the physical economy is different from the theoretical one. For instance, economic principal degrees that economic theory is contingent upon everybody having access to perfect information all the time; and this is not true in the real world. The Marketplace of Ideas is no different. Jordan Peterson and his guest – both academics — seem to be operating on the false assumption that at least, in the economic academic realm, is acknowledged as a difference between theory and reality. This faulty assumption of Peterson and guest Saad: that all truths are equally knowable by everyone at all times. And the reason that this assumption is faulty to the point of preventing them to coming to a conclusion is that there is a material force which is designed to exploit widespread ignorance of a fundamental, incorrect assumption that the marketplace of ideas is indeed free, but it’s not.

As Marshall McLuhan warned us about the FakeNews being prone to profit-driven manipulation, so is the intrinsic nature of today’s electronic marketplace of ideas, which creates convincing and deliberately deceptive free-flow of ideas, as currency is presumed to flow freely in a capitalist, free economy. However, this is a deliberate attempt to conceal the fact that nothing could be further from the truth. And it’s a deliberate attempt to conceal banes to the free-flow of ideas stemming from profit motives by, ironically, the same company that once shut down Jordan Peterson’s channel – Google-YouTube.

A Desire To Promulgate Falsehoods For Profit, NOT Human Nature Or The Nature Of Ideals Themselves, Is The True Reason For Marketplace Dominance Of Anti-Humanitarian, “Parasitic Ideas.”

As fascinating and as true a discussion Jordan Peterson and his guest have here, the real driving force between the growing, global disconnect between humans and reality – which is to say, society’s increasing lack of awareness of itself and its surroundings, and thus a self-destructive trend of ignorance (if you lack the awareness to understand there is a tiger behind you, you will get eaten) —

The true cause of humanity’s exponentially accelerating self destructive ignorance is not the fact that there are “dangerous ideas,” but rather, we must again heed the warning of Jordan Peterson’s Canadian Academic colleague Marshall McLuhan to not lose the forest for the trees. For, a free marketplace of ideas possesses unwavering belief that all ideas deserve a fair hearing, and ceteris paribus, the very best ideas naturally cull to the top of the human discussion.

But we don’t live in a world where “all things are equal”(ceteris paribus). As a former fakenews anchor, I can attest from my lifetime of study and work in the field of FakeNews that the purpose of media is fundamentally not one designed to inform, but to exploit its audience for profit. And BigTech, necessarily, as a means of “survival of the fittest” for itself – thrives only by keeping the majority of its audience ignorant to the greatest extent that it can.

Thus, the very worst ideas are rising to the top of discussions by even the most intelligent people because even the most intelligent people – perhaps even Jordan Peterson – are natural creatures, God-designed creatures, being fooled by an artificial medium which appropriates human discourse but which is NOT human discourse. And of course, I am speaking of the collective media, most notably, today’s BigTech, or so-called “social” media, which of course, is really anti-social. And it, of course, was fathered by the “idiot-box,” which fostered the same delusions about itself when it first came out, promising to unite families when its ultimate end, as we have seen play out, is exactly the opposite.

When Facebook and other so-called social media first came out, it promised that it was “social,” despite the fact that it was built to compare women to farm animals by Mark Zuckerberg, perhaps the most misanthropic enemy of God and humanity who ever existed. Because Zuckerberg himself is antisocial, even he didn’t know what he was creating when he made Facebook. But it should be painfully obvious to all of us now.

Facebook and all the FAAMGTT+M BigTech “social” media which have followed Facebook’s lead are only profitable when they exploit the majority, and their methodology of exploiting the majority- all of humanity – is to keep whole populations as ignorant as possible – just like their parent medium, the idiot box did, in its heyday.

It is because the profit motives, which is to say the bank accounts, of those who operate both legacy and “social” media only thrive by keeping the majority ignorant, that it uses the mechanisms of shadow-banning and outright suppression, such as that Jordan Peterson had a run -in with himself – that the very best ideas are thus suppressed (like the fact that they are shadow-banning everything (Project Veritas)) — and that what Saad calls “parasitic ideas” are all which becomes visible to us. But the intelligent, charitable observer must recognize and call attention to the media posing as a platform while it is really editorializing — as the media has always done. Emerson called the earliest newspapers nothing but “gossip,” and so it is with Television fakenews, and “social media” today.

Again, as Marshall McLuhan warned, as Neil Postman of NYU reminded us, in that most Huxlean way, “THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE.” I cannot put it any more plainly than to remind you of what these great intellects and others have told generations of history since the dawn of creation about “mediums.” Or, at least, since the advent of broadcast media.

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