MASSACHUSETTS: Breaking The Shop And Shop Strike

The strike may be over, but communism remains at Stop and Shop in Beverly, Massachusetts, just north of Boston.

I’m very proud to say that I helped break the strike. And while Stop and Shop is still unionized, I helped the Beverly store re-open at the moment the ungrateful workers had shut it down – and – coincidentally – coincidentally, the strike ended the next business day.

And let’s keep in mind, the Beverly Stop and Shop has had a particularly rough year directly caused by communist politicians. First, the largely unthinking Beverly government, embroiled in bureaucratic bureaucracy of its own, forced Stop and Shop to give its customers very expensive paper bags. Ostensibly, it was in the form of a plastic bag ban, to protect the ducks and whatnot, to avoid the real societal ills driving liberal angst – as the religion of environmental tends to do. So Stop and Shop already had the burden of doling out expensive paper bags because the unwise Beverly city government banned plastic bags. In addition, Stop and Shop was already forced to give employees a rage with the minimum wage increase. So despite providing so many jobs for so many people across New England, Stop and Shop was already being punished by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts up the Ying Yang. And then the ungrateful employees’ bosses sought to kick the already wounded job provide while it was down, by forcing the employees to strike during one of the most profitable weeks of the year – the week leading up to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter/Resurrection Sunday. And all this because unions continue to channel the ungrateful communist angst that caused unions to get started Stateside in the first place. Video of me breaking the strike below.

Fighting Communism One Stop and Shop Customer Experience At A Time won’t let me embed the Facebook video, because it’s not a great service (we’ll be moving soon), but here’s a video of me helping re-open the store despite the ungrateful communist workers. And – again, I feel bad for them, because they know not what they do. Unfortunately, because Massachusetts is not a right-to-work state, the Union Bosses have control over who Stop and Shop hires. It’s totally insane, but the Massachusetts laws give the workers communist leverage over the actual owners of the store. If you refuse to join the union, the Union has made it so that you can’t work at Stop and Shop. Which is why Stop and Shop is forced to charge more money than the non-unionized Market Basket, while offering generally the same fare. All that cash lines the pockets of the union bosses – and pays all those people who aren’t working in the video here, and that’s what you pay for at the checkout aisle.

Here’s that Facebook Video.


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