Straight Pride Parade an Opportunity for Pastoral Redemption

“Super Happy Fun America” Parade an Altar Call for America’s Wayward Pastorate

The Straight Pride Parade August 31st may prove the last hope for the wayward American pastor to accept Christ as his Lord and Savior.

God’s not happy with the church in New England. Massachusetts churches have led the way in America’s rebellion against God, from “Gay Pride” parades to ordaining sodomite ministers.

The Boston church could have done something, but it sold out to homosexual activists. Rather than cry out in the streets that homosexuality is not acceptable, the Boston church has embraced homosexuality within its own ranks, even in the pulpit. Even the “conservative” churches, like Calvary Temple, otherwise known as “Calvary Christian Church” of Lynnfield, have proven themselves the most liberal of all.


But now, Boston pastors have a unique opportunity to prove that they care more about God than mammon; more about people than tithes. Boston pastors have a chance to prove to God and themselves that they’re not mere entertainers just blaring rock music in the pulpits.

Boston pastors have a unique opportunity to right the wrongs they have committed and perpetuated in turning God’s blessed Boston into a haven for sodomites.

And it’s called the Super Happy Fun America Parade.

The Super Happy Fun America parade is, essentially, the “altar call” for all those backsliding New England Pastors which have sold themselves out to sodomites.

This is a chance for the hypocrite pastors of New England, hypocrites all – because I’ve met a representative sample of every single one of them – to make a recommitment to the Bible they profess to believe in and to Jesus Christ.

This is an opportunity for you, New England Pastors, to accept the Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. So come to the Altar of the Super Happy Fun Parade. Step out from behind the safety of your pulpit, where you reap a bounty of tithes from those who don’t know any better while you pollute the essential America with your misguided, cowardly hermeneutical dance around Scripture.


Come back to Christ, Pastors. Don’t just “Accept,” or “Tolerate,” that Jesus is your Lord and Savior from within the comfort of your high castles. Come down and make a profession of faith before the world that you, yes, you, wayward pastor, are indeed a true follower, a true disciple of Christ. There’s no better way to do it; no better place to baptize new believers; no better place to win over more souls for Christ with your newfound integrity, than at the Super Happy Fun America parade.

Together, by God’s Grace, we will make America Great Again, and be agents of the Christ within as he guides us back to our humble, straight and narrow beginnings. Continue straight, my friends.

Do it for America. Do it for your fellow Christian, that they may know us by the love we have for one another. Here’s a list of those the church has betrayed, the real martyrs of our age, in their time of need.


Peter Vadala is the first American to be fired for faith in modern times. For speaking engagements, please email [email protected] .

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