Re: Did they really say they would break a child’s neck?

That’s the email I got from wayward Focus on the Family, effeminate as ever.

Don’t get me wrong, obviously the sentiment is one we all react positively to. So, what’s the problem with the email?

Well, it’s more political whack-a-mole. But whereas most effeminate churches’ answer is to back away from this critical issue of evil abortion, what really needs to be done is to double down.

And it starts with this message which is a bitter pill for pastors, perhaps, and we as a church to swallow, but here it is, my reply to Focus. I don’t think they read it.

This, by the way, a rather cheaply sensational fundraising email, not unlike how anti-Trump Republicans use the latest hot-button stunt by the democrats to pinch the base for a quick five bucks.

See, like this here, “Did they really say they would break a child’s neck?”

It’s the equivalent of the republicans using AOC as the cheap subject of a fundraising email.

The reality is we’ve created an environment where the other side is emboldened to break a child’s neck..

That’s on God’s people.   And it’s on God’s people because we’re not adequately fighting the media.

Like the “hostile work environment” complex.  Well, the church has created a “baby-hostile” culture by failing to affirm conception as a natural end of marital relations.  Why isn’t anybody preaching this?

Come on, Focus on the Family. Deal with the heart of the issue, like Dr. James Dobson used to do. I appreciate the sentiment, but you’re not fighting the battle smartly.

Well, perhaps Focus on the Family will read my reply now. Or perish. Either way. God’s will be done.

Here’s the original email from the increasingly effeminate Focus on the Family. Not too smart, Focus, not too smart, the underlying approach here.

Jim Daly, Focus on the Family <[email protected]> Unsubscribe
4:09 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

Peter, because you value life, I know your heart aches over the actions taken in recent months against innocent preborn babies.
First, lawmakers in New York cheered over legislation allowing abortion at any point during pregnancy. Then, the governor of Virginia actually endorsed infanticide. Meanwhile, Congress refused to protect infants who survive botched abortions. Now, an abortionist tells a mom that if her baby survives the abortion, he would simply break its neck.

Double your gift to save
babies from abortion!

I read the story of a mother who was 22 weeks pregnant when she went to a Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota, for an abortion. The abortionist injected a chemical in an attempt to stop her baby’s heart, but missed. The baby survived.
When the mother asked what happens if a baby lives through an abortion, this was the reply, “If the baby was to come out still alive and active, most likely we would break the baby’s neck.”
Unimaginable! I couldn’t believe what I was reading. How God’s heart must grieve over this callous disregard for the gift of life. Where does it end?
I’m writing because I truly believe God can use you and me to push back against this culture of death. Last month, Focus on the Family launched a 12-week SEE LIFE CLEARLY campaign designed to show the world life in the womb.
When a mother considering abortion can see her baby growing inside of her, she is more likely to choose life. Over 54 percent of abortion-minded women who receive counseling and an ultrasound choose life for their babies!
Our Option Ultrasound program — which equips pregnancy medical clinics across the country with ultrasound machines, resources, and nurses’ sonography training — saves lives. Since the beginning of the Option Ultrasound program in 2004, the number of babies saved is estimated to be more than 425,000!
It takes just $60 to save a preborn baby’s life through the Option Ultrasound program. Your gift today will save more lives and turn the tide of abortion in this country through our SEE LIFE CLEARLY campaign!
Your gift today will equip even more pregnancy medical clinics, targeting high-risk, major cities like New York and others where late-term abortion is legal with new, high-tech 3D/4D equipment that gives a mom considering abortion a clearer picture of her baby.
Your gift today will save more lives by revealing that life growing inside the womb is “fearfully and wonderfully made … ” (Psalm 139:14 ESV). Remember the mother from Minnesota? She asked for an ultrasound to see if her baby was still alive after her initial procedure. Her baby WAS alive … and she chose life!
This is the life-saving impact you can make today. And thanks to a $1.7 million Matching Gift from from generous friends, your gift will be DOUBLED TODAY to SAVE TWICE AS MANY LIVES!
Consider this: while it takes just $60 to save a baby’s life through our Option Ultrasound program, Planned Parenthood charges up to $600 for an abortion in some cases!
If you’d like to DOUBLE YOUR GIFT to save lives, here’s a link where you can make your donation: Please give as generously as you can to save babies from abortion.

Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920
1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459)

This is a Giving Opportunities email. Update your preferences or Unsubscribe From All if you do not want to receive this type of email or any future emails from Focus on the Family. © 2019 Focus on the Family. Source Code: 742101

It does seem a tad mercenary to use the death of an unborn human to raise cash when you’re not fighting the battle as effectively as you otherwise could be.

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