Media Is Our Enemy: Presume it’s Guilty

Are there good people who work in the media? Were there good people living in NAZI Germany?

This note is not a condemnation of souls, but rather of a principality, a system whose actors and actresses may not be ill-intentioned, but who, unthinking, are dependent upon a demonic system of “News Media” for survival. Seriously, what else would they do for a living except produce sensational news stories, in the tradition of journalism, which may glorify itself but historically has always appealed to the basest blood lust of the American people? Moreover, this note is borne of experience within the enemy’s territory. Taken as a whole, the net effect of all journalism is yellow journalism, sensationalism, So much so that if it weren’t, may I contend the media could not financially survive; at least not in the demonic, essential manner in which it manifests today. And, for the sake of America, I say, survive it shouldn’t.

Today, my Pastor informed The Body of MoMo. I hadn’t heard of it, because I have long learned how much Twitter hates Christians. Twitter banned a friend of mine who has been retweeted by President Trump because of her anti-media tweet. Twitter darn well near outright banned me. It threatened to shut down my account if I didn’t “choose” to delete the Tweets it didn’t like. Now, Twitter just shadow-bans me.

The MoMo happening is an odd event only because of how unnuanced and direct it was as a vessel of Satan. Apparently, MoMo is a claymation-like human-chicken of Eastern origin. Really, it’s something you’d expect to see from the raunchy Hollywood Cartoon market. In Hollywood vernacular, it’s more “Robot Chicken” meets “Thirteen Reasons Why” more than “Chicken Meets Human.”

What struck me as I was listening to the pastor discuss the MoMo phenomenon and condemn it as evil; I haven’t delved into researching it much, but undisputedly, the meme apparently was spliced into complicit children’s video producers, and challenged children to kill one another.

So, here’s kind of the backstory here, from a media producer who understands cultural trends. I’ve mentioned before how the good, the bad, and the ugly begin here in Boston; they tend to bounce off California, and then they reverberate throughout the rest of the nation. The abomination of gay marriage is an example of this.

But let’s take the pathway of societal and cultural trends outside the nation for a moment. Let’s look at the East – as in Asia and Japan. Japan, essentially, imitates what’s happening in the United States pop-culture-wise, and puts their own spin on it. Anime is Japanophied cartoons. It’s kind of a novelty for us because of the crude dialogue, framerate, and – let’s face it, the quality isn’t as good.

In the example of MoMo, Japan is doing, again, what American media does. It’s kind of a case study in Japan doing something America does in a cruder way, so I think it’s a great example of really, what happens all the time in Hollywood, but which we don’t confront more aggressively because Hollywood, and New York, and the Associated Press, because by design their attacks on Christ, on America, on God, are so much more nuanced. For instance, the News Media censors God from virtually every story – except in the rare event of a national disaster, and even then it’s only for a time. The American News Media was primarily responsible for propagating the once obscure notion of “gay marriage,” and taking it mainstream. And the American News Media continues to this day to refer to acts of terrorism as “inspired.” As in, ISIS-Inspired. It’s a poor word choice I’ve written about rather prolifically, but again, media has a vested commercial interest in the moral fatigue of the person consuming that media.

Probably a starker event I alluded to before is the suicide-glorifying series by Netflix, Thirteen Reasons Why, which has not been removed from Netflix. Netflix makes an emotionally compelling case that the series is about fostering compassion for would-be-suicide victims; but wisdom would suggest that is a cheap cop-out for what the series really is, by virtue of its very title: an apologia for will-be suicides everywhere. Which, as Christians, of course, we are compelled to condemn, along with the twisted program itself.

I’d like to commend my pastor for condemning, wholesale, MoMo. May I suggest, however, that the condemnation merely scratches the surface, and again, the iceberg of the principality of Media America and the church are headed for runs so much deeper. But the media makers are very shrewd. Do you think they’d be this sloppy here in America, where the media industry has been painstakingly designed among a nation of faithful, God-Ward people? As Satan always works, it has been a long, slow fade. It has been a long, slow erosion of Christian values, the bedrock of American society. It’s my contention as a former media insider that the media has been the greatest perpetrator of this slow, steady erosion, this poison-drip, what have you, in America.

When dealing with all things media, you must approach it, whether you’re being interviewed, or whether you’re simply watching it or consuming it, with a presumption that the media is guilty. This is not an unearned reputation. I’ve written at length on the sins of the media; we can perhaps do a list of bullet points on the matter. This is not merely the old, legacy media, but also the new media of Twitter and Google, which censors Christians, and apparently fires anyone (James Damore) who expresses any natural point of view on the subject of marriage and the fundamental nature of humanity in the realm of sexuality.

Again, I’m not saying that every talking head is evil. I’m saying, if anything regarding the talking heads, the voices, the Google Programmers, that they are pawns. They are pawns who like us, need to feed their earthly bodies to keep them nourished; they’re people who have chosen a career path; be it programming, talking on-camera, or producing television. Sure, some of them have bit the poison pill of believing that they were born in the wrong body or something silly like that, once strictly the domain of horror movies. But more likely, they’re pawns. They’re pawns Satan has convinced that if they leave their jobs, or if they otherwise protest against the evil tenets of the media industry’s survival – like an unwavering commitment to the legitimacy of sodomy, or the sovereignty of murder in the womb – in other words, tenets more in line with ISIS’s call for “death to Americans” (how much more death can you get than rectal bleeding or murder in the womb?) –

I’m saying that the media as a principality is dependent upon the continuous poisoning of the American mind in order to remain relevant. At least, that’s how the media operates. It’s always done this, and it has shown no signs of remorse, despite the fact that organizations like Fox News have made a cottage industry, a niche market of rather feebly calling out the evils of every other media outlet. Even Fox News wholeheartedly stands behind “sodomy,” Ainsley Earhardt of Fox And Friends fully amenning “of course” to the concept of “trans rights,” as in transsexualism. Lunacy.

Please do not fall victim to the emotional appeals that would have you feel falsely guilty, emotionally overcautious, when it comes to presuming the media, as a principality – including the computer you’re using now, and the system of social media – is guilty.

The media, to Christians who understand how it works, has proven itself continuously guilty.

Presume the media is guilty until proven innocent, by its well-earned evil reputation.

Perhaps President Donald Trump merely uses the term “Fake News” as a political trolling phrase, however even if that is so, it is a well-earned condemnation of media for the simple reason that the phrase originated from hypocrites in the media to my understanding, as yet another confusing rhetorical device to try to attack anyone who would criticize them. We have a very media-savvy President, who really understands the nature of media more than most of us Christians, if he isn’t one, and I think Trump may very well be Christian. Dr. James Dobson says so, and I’m inclined to believe Dr. Dobson in that regard. No Christian is fighting the Fake News quite as aggressively on behalf of America and the faith as our good president, and the Body of Christ ought to be attacking it. The Media has been attacking the church for long enough, unconfronted. The church has mostly reacted to it thus far, but has never adequately dealt with the poisonous, anti-Christian principality of Satan that the media, taken as a whole, really is. The threat to America which the media is, we have not confronted. So I thank POTUS for doing what no Christian has yet done on the scale that he has.

Good Christian man and woman, good TradLife Christian, good American, all of you, in this nation founded upon Christ, upon civility, upon Goodness that can only have originated in the heavenlies, please heed this warning: the media is your enemy. Not necessarily the people; but you must approach every tweet with profound suspicion, as if you are entering into a dark alley in an unfamiliar city. You must be on your guard.

Would you leave your children in an unfamiliar alley?

And yet, we Christians hand “smart phones” to toddlers and leave them to fend for themselves. The reality is, most of us adults are vastly, vastly outweighed in the realm of media literacy to use the devices ourselves.

Approach all media, particularly Twitter, Facebook, and Google as demonic forces which have the aim of slowly and stealthily dismantling your faith by injecting doubt in you. Hiding the Gospel from you and presenting progressively warped versions of America and her history. The results? Ignorant foolish young people attacking statues of great American founders and the like. School Shootings. Adolescent and teen suicides (which CBS newsmen told me they are banned, by policy from reporting in the news but for extreme circumstances.

The media is your enemy. It is the darkened, dingy alley of your mind’s eye when it strays from Scripture. It has murdered your American brothers and sisters. It has unjustly deprived your Christian brothers and sisters of gainful employment. The media has, as a tool of communist unions (as Walt Disney railed against it) subverted American values and the American work ethic. The media has demonized manhood and womenhood, only mildly averting the most direct wholesale condemnation of scripture possible, if you have an iota of wisdom to see the manner in which it operates at all. The media blames your God for everything awful and only praises God when you’re at your most vulnerable, like after a major tragedy, so as not to reveal its true motives of exploiting you – but then it goes right back to criticizing God, and likening your god to the God of ISIS.

Good American, good Christian, the media has proven itself guilty, so treat it that way. I cannot condemn it aggressively enough here.

MoMo may seem like a novelty of an evil experience; but again, the media as a whole is counting on you to ignore the trend toward MoMo. You certainly remember other teen challenges that have resulted in suicides and emergency room visits, like the Cinnamon Challenge; the planking challenge, and many many others that I personally simply am not aware of because I see Twitter for the anti-Christian evil that it is and simply don’t go near it. I use Gab as my primary twitter-like “social,” and even Gab is still modeled on Twitter. (My gab Relays to twitter). Twitter shadow-bans me because of the veracity and voracity of my claims against it.

Don’t be foolish; do not ignore this warning. Do not fall for the sitcom veneer of family-friendliness; do not be lulled into a false sense of security by the material which is designed to do exactly that.

The media is your enemy. The media must be considered, by the Christian, guilty until it proves itself innocent. If you feel called to make yourself vulnerable to it by, say, keeping up with trends on Twitter out of the compulsive need it has fostered in you (You really don’t benefit anything from being on twitter – as it is tainting even the results you think you’re filtering – again it is all pretense of objectivity, just like the FakeNews) –

Be on your guard, and test all of it very carefully in light of scripture.

Presume media guilt. Approach any interviews you grant to it (not that it’s usually worth your time), and approach any exposure you give to it – perhaps re-evaluate the functionality in your spiritual life of that late-night news-watching ritual when you’re most vulnerable to suggestion –

Approach the media in all circumstances presuming it is guilty and intent on sabotaging your walk with God for the purpose of commercial gain. The integrity of your spiritual walk, and by extension, that of the Body of Christ, depends on such alertness.

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