“Is There Going To Be A Civil War?” Reader Question

NOTE: AmericasMansMan.com denounces and disavows all unlawful violence.

A man named Benjamin at a Mexican chain restaurant recently asked me, “Is there going to be a civil war?”

My answer – there doesn’t have to be. But I believe that the communists at the highest levels of our government are trying to start one.

Most people forget, because of the constant fear and misinformation campaign by the FakeNews Media and BigTech FAANNGTT+M Companies (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, NBC-U, Google, Twitter, Tiktok, Disney+, Microsoft-Linkedin), that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have zero Constitutional Right to occupy the National Parks property on Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington D.C. we call the White House.

Big corporate interests like Walmart, the FAANNGTT+M Companies think they are protecting themselves by trying to censor the fact that Donald Trump won the 2020 Presidential elections. But this is sheer ignorance of the facts.

Since radio and television first started targeting the lowest-common denominator (the dumbest Americans) with never ending fear and misinformation just before the time America was winning World War II, they realized that they couldn’t churn a profit unless they were exploiting the American people. After all, when Americans are happy, they’re not watching the news.

Since Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook to compare women to Farm Animals because Mark Zuckerberg hates people, Silicon Valley FAANNGTT+M companies realized that they could terrorize America even more efficiently than the old FakeNews. What does this all mean? Very simply this; the very heart of the news industry is scaring Americans to death. Television just amped up the game, and scared Americans more efficiently. And now, with the anti-social media, also called the “new media,” and often erroneously called “social media” – a handful of Americans are finding ways to cause more strife and division among Americans than television or the old sensational newspapers could ever dream of doing. They do it because when Americans are happy and peaceful and prosperous – like during the Trump Presidency – nobody is glued to their devices or televisions. The bottom line is this: when Big Tech and the FakeNews Media are doing their job at their very best, Americans are miserable. The news industry causes riots, murder, and generalized terror, and they do so intentionally. They do it because we good loyal Americans love our country, and the only way they can get our attention is by essentially threatening us to death. Raising our blood pressure. Threatening to cause more riots.

So, again, the media has a vested profit interest in American suffering. If we Americans aren’t suffering, the media is not making money. So they work overtime to see that America is suffering as much as possible. The more violence, the more explosions, the more domestic terror – like the kind the Biden Campaign helped cause with Bernie Sanders – the better, as far as the media is concerned.

Who won big on Wall Street last year? Why, Silicon Valley, of course. This is why many people think, and they are probably right, that Bill Gates helped the CCP launch the Wuhan Virus. Regardless of its source, the virus created a big payday for the FakeNews media and the FAANNGTT+M Companies of Silicon Valley. BigTech stocks soared last year on the backs of Americans who were told, usually erroneously, that they were going to die if they left their houses.

As President Trump has often said, Joe Biden is owned by China, and so is his whole group of conspirators. This is how Joe Biden, who never won a legitimate election for the presidency in his life, came to occupy the White House, and I think President Trump has been very kind to him. Although frankly, the media has really backed President Trump into a corner. The media and BigTech companies successfully censored most of the stories about President Trump’s victories in the 2020 Presidential elections. There are still some Americans who think that Biden is president of the United States. Why? Because many of them only know what they read on so-called social media, and on television. There are other factors, like liberal academia and compromised judges who are not living up to their oaths. But the bottom line is that America is being manipulated by a never-ending fear and misinformation campaign by BigTech and their FakeNews media allies.

Basically, the communist Democrats of today (including Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Kamala Harris) have in common with BigTech and the media this one common goal: they value their own success over that of America. And they care so much about themselves that they are willing to start a Civil War to line their own pockets. The dems go about this by attempting, with the help of Bill Gates’ non-profits, to dumb-down all Americans by turning America’s schools into abusive, sodomy-ridden cages which make students more ignorant, rather than smarter. They do this because they know that they need a bumper crop of young, incapable, bumbling, suggestible fools who will never succeed in the workforce. The dems are betting on high school graduates’ complete ignorance, which they and their communist union thug-controlled teachers intentionally cause. Why? Well, the reason is very simple. Self-sufficient, capable Americans are of no use to democrats, because they end up starting their own businesses, raising good, patriotic, wholesome and moral children. Why are good, upstanding community citizens who contribute to America bad for democrats? Very simply because productive, civic-minded citizens are not dependent upon a welfare check, and government housing. And if nobody is dependent upon government housing and welfare checks, and food stamps, and “social services,” and the DSS – well, who in their right minds would vote democrat?

With the price of computers dropping by the moment, Americans began to educate themselves more. This presented a big problem for the democrats, because remember – smart, upstanding citizens who desire to help their fellow Americans and be all-around upstanding American citizens — would never vote for the Communist Democrat Party of today.

Meanwhile, the FakeNews industry was suffering. FakeNews had always thrived on being the first to provide plausibly true horror stories via the papers and television, but BigTech now of course has the FakeNews beat in that game. Traditional Broadcast, television and cable could never hope to keep up with the fear and misinformation that BigTech uses to make big paydays for its stockholders.

With so many Americans getting smarter, and leading productive lives, the FakeNews, BigTech, and dems were presented with a big problem. The FakeNews could no longer make money because Americans began to realize that the FakeNews is lying 99% of the time and isn’t worth the time of day. That means the FakeNews could no longer sell advertisements. The Communist Democrats couldn’t make any money because all Americans figured out how crooked they are. And finally, BigTech was also suffering. Why? Well, Microsoft struggled to sell new computers because people realized they didn’t need to buy a new operating system every year. Windows XP really did everything just fine. So Microsoft and Apple tried to cope with the loss of sales by rolling out operating system upgrades that essentially destroyed people’s iphones and computers and forced them to buy new machines, and new operating systems. But eventually, we got wise to that. Thank God for Windows 10, which Microsoft said it will always upgrade for free. I’m sure there can’t be any catch to that scheme.

But seriously, you see the problem for FakeNews, BigTech, and the dems. With Americans so successful and educated and prosperous under Trump, none of them were making money. So the Communist dems, BigTech, and FakeNews got together – literally — Biden has hired the bigtech people. And they all said, “Look, nobody wants or needs our stuff any more. How do we fix this?”

The solution, of course, was a simple one. The Dems and FakeNews essentially helped bring BigTech into the same unholy axis of evil that the Dems and FakeNews industry have always enjoyed together. Which is to say – since the Dems and BigTech have nothing useful to offer America, rather than join the righteous Republicans, the dems and FakeNews decided to amp up their lying game against the American people. This is largely because they don’t believe in traditional American values, or even basic human dignity on the level of right or wrong. Dems don’t believe in right or wrong. They only believe in whatever is best for themselves at any given moment. And unlike us, Democrats don’t believe in God. They only use religious language to pander to people who don’t know any better.

Well, it’s expensive to run a party that delivers no results except welfare checks, but is made up of a bunch of do-nothings who not only have no useful work skills or intelligence, but also don’t believe in right or wrong. You can see why nobody really voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential elections. Even democrat communists hate other democrat communists. They can never work together. Not really. But how would the democrats attempt to convince an entire nation that they won an election they didn’t win?

That’s where BigTech and the FakeNews Media came in. See, the democrats weren’t going to win the election, and they knew it from the beginning. Not only that, BigTech and FakeNews had a big problem. Since so many Americans were happy under President Trump, BigTech and FakeNews needed a way to keep people listening to their reckless, flagrant fear and misinformation under a President who was helping more Americans get smarter, more productive, and all around happier. So the do-nothing dems had a big problem. They were losing all their dependent, obsessive, ignorant, violent, rapist, murderer minions. You heard about the dems trying to give felons the vote? Well, this is why.

They had to launch a fear and misinformation campaign – they had to tell a lie so big – that it would scare the heaven out of all the happy Americans under President Trump, demoralize them to the point of hysteria, and completely ruin Trump’s economy. It would have to be a huge lie unlike any lie the FakeNews had ever concocted before. Furthermore, they had to paint President Trump, God’s vessel of all this peace and prosperity, as the bad guy. It was going to be a tough line to sell the American people.

But the dems – who are all sold out to foreign interests, by the way — realized that if they could censor all the truthful, positive, uplifting information and keep everyone home from church, they could scare even congress into certifying a false presidential election. And that’s exactly what they did with the FakeNews and BigTech.

Is There Going To Be A Civil War

Since the advent of papers and television – which is controlled by Communists, by the way – selfish politicians and media – like Joe Biden and CNN – have been enriching themselves, even in the form of overt bribes, but usually in more subtle ways – by selling out the American people.

It has always been the communist goal to divide and conquer America without firing a bullet. How? By turning Americans against each other. Communists and other foreign enemies learned that they could appeal to the profit motives of a few individuals and corporations to use them to divide and conquer America. Communists have always sought to turn races against races, various ethnic groups against each other, etc.: essentially, to divide and conquer America socially. And that is precisely why they created BLM, which cares nothing about black people, but does care about destroying black families, and is overtly marxist.

The bottom line is this: The Communist Dems, the FakeNews, and the BigTech FAANNGTT+M Companies are working overtime to scare you and me with a never-ending fear and misinformation campaign which blames America for everything and encourages crime, and the destruction of police, perfectly in line with our communist enemies’ overt, published goals for the last century.

America is God’s Exceptional Nation, doing more good for the World than any other nation ever has or ever will. But lesser nations sometimes get jealous rather than thankful. And that’s why they sometimes are tempted down the wrong path of trying to attack us. But don’t you know, that’s what the domestic terrorists of the communist democrat party, along with their FakeNews and BigTech friends are trying to do. That’s because the Democrats, FakeNews, and BigTech can’t win elections honestly. So, they try to promote more ignorance, and suffering. Why? Because only ignorant people who can’t write a math problem out on a chalk board and who can’t speak english believe the great lies of the FakeNews, BigTech, and the democrats. Only incompetent bumbling idiots who don’t know English, Math, and American History are incapable enough to become indigents who hate themselves so much they become addicted to welfare checks and government housing. And of course, when they get their welfare checks, the dems also send them a voter registration to vote democrat, while threatening that if they don’t vote democrat, the welfare checks will stop, and their victims will be sent to prison. That’s the only way commie democrats can get votes, and those are the only people who watch the FakeNews.

But we have a very simple choice which makes a civil war easily preventable, if all of us would only be brave enough as individuals to choose America over selfish profit motives. Choose to turn off the FakeNews. Choose to speak out against communism in workplaces like Walmart. Choose to support President Trump.

Above all, choose to keep learning. Keep growing. Keep pursuing your passions and developing your God-given talents. Never settle for less than your best. Do good for your neighbor. Reject the lies of Satan, and his Principality of FakeNews Media.

Great Americans like George Washington, and Robert E. Lee, and Thomas Jefferson, became great because they chose to. Granted, they didn’t have the Fakenews media trying to start a civil war like Joe Biden is, but there were other problems in their day, too.

The FakeNews, BigTech, and the democrats lie for a living. Remember that, and realize that you’re better off assuming that if you hear something from the FakeNews or on Facebook, it’s less likely to be true than if they had never mentioned it at all. BigTech, like the old FakeNews, blocks the truth, and promotes evil. They do this because like the dems, it’s more profitable to make you miserable, because that’s the only way they can get you to watch or engage on their platforms.

Choose not to be manipulated. Choose to assume the best of your American brothers and sisters, and choose to be a good neighbor, who is informed. Read truthful news like the Epoch Times, WND, AmericasMansMan.com, and the Bible. Be brave. Be strong. Don’t let yourself be victimized by the greatest virus of all — FakeNews, BigTech, and Communist Democrat Propaganda, which seeks to exploit 99% of America to enrich just a few – like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

Computers might be “smart,” but nothing is more powerful than your own God-given human brain. So, I invite you to think about what a blessing it is to inhabit the very best nation that has ever existed. God saw fit to give you this blessing of His Exceptional Nation for a reason, and with that blessing comes a responsibility to steward this great nation, on behalf of God almighty, and the legions and legions of great, godly Americans just like you and me who came before us, who fought and died or risked their lives to protect America, and her promise of democracy and righteousness around the world.

Make a decision to turn off the manipulative information abuse of the fakenews media. Be aware of your surroundings. Speak up about the enemies – like the communist dems, the FakeNews, and BigTech, attempting to divide our country from within to line their own pockets.

We, Americans, all of us, have the power to avert a civil war if we’d only recognize that the biggest enemy is our own ignorance amid those treasonous fools among us trying to divide us to sell computers and welfare checks, at the expense of our most fundamental Constitutional Rights And Liberties given to us by our creator. And, having humbly recognized a need for our own humility amid this grave threat from the communist dem-FakeNews-Silicon Valley axis of evil and their Soviet-style propaganda – we have a shot at recovering the sanity, wisdom, good will, and generalized human kindness of our great American forefathers, and the good graces of Almighty God Jesus Christ, who has seen fit thus far to hold us in His Hands, rather than let us founder and fall into the Abyss of disorder, chaos, ignorance, poverty, want, and utter depravity, which the media is trying so very hard to goad us into for the most malevolent of motives.

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