Google Hates America And Christians

Cut the living child in half.

I was working on something else, but Google’s censorship of anything that disagrees with its anti-American, anti-Christian bias, that I had to stop what I was working on and address this IMMEDIATELY.

So, I saw on a talk show that Donald Trump tweeted about the radical American socialists’ passing laws allowing moms to execute babies. Pretty straightforward, right? Basically a direct command to Google to GIVE ME MY PRESIDENT’S QUOTE ABOUT EXECUTING BABIES. So, super straightforward; here’s what I typed in Google:

“donald trump execute baby twitter”

So, what should the VERY FIRST RESULT BE? It should be Donald Trump’s tweet, right?

But it’s not. Google put Trump’s tweet in there, but Google would not give our president the first result, or the second or the third. Google AUTOMATICALLY defers to FAKENEWS sources which cast dispersions on Trump’s Christian motives. Google buries Trump’s tweet down at number four.

Now, I know, that might not seem like a lot to you. And Google does everything it can to confuse the heck out of you to make it seem like it’s not shadow-banning anything.

But, by any rational measure, when you type in “donald trump execute baby twitter” there is only one logical result that should be at the very top of the page, and yet Google insists on trying to sell us on the demonic alternatives from the FakeNews. Sure, there’s even pretense of unbiased selection of FakeNews stories. But it’s all a part of the game.

Be not deceived: Google hates Christianity, America, and evidently, babies.

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