FakeNewS Wall Street Journal WhiteWashes Sodomy

FakeNewser Ms. Ellen Bryson Euphemizes Infidelity, Sodomy, Absentee Fathers As “Family Transformation”

FakeNewser Ms. Ellen Byron, WSJ

The nuclear family is being nuked by television antennae – and FakeNews like the Wall Street Journal

America’s Man’s Man

The Wall Street Journal is anything but middle-of-the-road these days. Like FoxNews, it looks like the Journal, long a refuge of solid values commingled with capitalist triumph, has somehow gotten lost, and is drifting against a current on the wrong side of the stream, going in the opposite direction.

A recent article discussing how the American family has been destroyed was whitewashed. Instead of discussing the means by which the American family has been destroyed by homosexual propagandists, the Wall Street Journal instead chose to write the article as if a bureaucratic Human Resources person beholden to federal regulations forcing its language to be utterly untruthful in all things. And Americans are taking note of how untrustworthy these FakeNewsers really are, how much they hate family, hate Jesus Christ, and HATE, and I mean HATE, America herself.

The article, instead of delineating how the American Family has fallen prey to the influences of its own FakeNews industry, merely claims the family has not been “destroyed” but instead merely “changed.” FakeNewser Ellen Byron, as if writing for the New York Times, calls the destruction and bad breeding of today’s failing American family “transformative.”

Rather than explain how marriage, the fundamental building block of the American family, and thus the economy, is being decimated by FakeNewsers like Ms. Ellen Byron – who, seriously, after writing something like this, seems like a real catch –Ms. Byron simply says “Marriage is playing a smaller role.” Of course, someone with a title like Ms. has a lot of pride and respect in the sacred institution of marriage.

Long-time foe of the American Family and American values Proctor and Gamble was all to happy to oblige FakeNewser Ms. Ellen Byron with a quote, being sure to aggrandize his wokeness, since he’s obviously so down with the whole woman New York suitpants reporter Ms. Thing. I mean, why not just grow a mustache and drive a truck while you’re at it? Anyway, all you low-information people who misequate “wokeness” with progress and success, Proctor and Gamble is all too ready to sell out America for your dollars. I mean, really, this seems like a woke guy, doesn’t he? Here’s what anti-family P&G had to say – that’s right, the makers of TIDE, long boycotted by good Americans:

“What picture comes to mind when we think of a traditional U.S. household—a mom and a dad of different sexes and then a boy and a girl, right? That picture is indeed evolving dramatically.”

Kirti Singh, chief analytics and insights officer at Procter & Gamble Co., maker of Pampers diapers, Tide laundry detergent and Pantene shampoo.

Mind. Blown.

The Harm This FakeNews Reporting Does

The real harm this FakeNews article from the Wall Street Journal does is that it fails to acknowledge the mission-critical state of the American family. FakeNewser and Ms. – which has become the standard, denigrating term for all women who work at the Wall Street Journal, coincidentally – Ellen Bryson fails to even acknowledge that the way things were when a mom and a dad always was home, and when they were faithful to each other was better. In doing so, she, like the rest of the FakeNews, is attempting to destroy the shimmering star of what a family should be and still can be, if we’d only be bold enough to embrace that greatness once again. But I don’t see a bright, successful, married family life in Ms. Bryson’s future if she keeps up this fake-progress way of thinking.

Sodomy, anyone? Yeah, that’ll transform you alright. More like traumatize. And at Christmastide, too.

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