FakeNews On Why Youth Drop Out Of Church

Fox and Friends did a “report” yesterday (January 20, 2019) on why children drop out of church. It’s a report that actual Christians can, without fear of error, file under FakeNews. Before we get into the meat of the FakeNews story from Fox, let’s go over some fundamentals for the uninitiated.

Fox News Doesn’t Like Real Christians

As you know, I’m no fan of Fox after my very unfair and unbalanced interview with Peter Johnson. Fox has made clear, from its continued employment of Shep Smith to its continued reeling toward the left, that it is not a Christian source of news. It’s blatantly pro-homosexual and multicultural.

Fox News Doesn’t Fall Far From The FakeNews Tree

Fox News has big financial reasons to go against Christ, just like the rest of the industry. Federal bureaucracy is now such that one angry activist can bring down an entire news organization based on unsubstantiated myths. That’s how Bill O’Reilly and some of the very best Fox had to offer lost their jobs at Fox.

But when it comes to explicitly reporting about the American Church, Fox is even more clueless. The reason is, simply, that Fox News applies the failed paradigm of traditional news reporting – which is inherently evil. Sure, it’s more truthful than the rest of the FakeNews, but that isn’t saying very much.

Fox’s Ill-conceived Approach to Targeting the Church Audience

Ainsley Earhardt is the de-facto religious authority at Fox News. Why? She’s the only Bible-believing Christian. The majority of Fox News Commentators are nominal Catholic, and secondarily, mainline Protestant commentators who don’t read the Bible every day. For them, religion is a “personal thing” they’re not willing to share with others.

Sure, Fox News pays Bible-belt preachers from time to time, but they don’t put a whole lot of thought into the hiring decisions. But it takes a Christian to know a Christian. Perhaps that’s why Fox News thinks it can get away with caricatures of Christian commentary.

Real men of God don’t consider women authorities on matters of spirituality. This is why it’s disconcerting to see a no-doubt well-intentioned Ainsley Earhardt taking on all matters of spiritual significance, with Fox and Friends being the center of that problem. My particular interview was perhaps the biggest manifestation of the chasm between Christianity and Fox News’s Fake Christianity, although you could make a case for that time when Ainsley Earhardt defended Joel Osteen’s prosperity gospel.

Fox’s FakeNews Report On Why Children Don’t Stay In Church

So here’s the Fox and Friends FakeNews report on why children don’t stay in church through adulthood. Watch this:

NOTE: Because Real Americans can’t trust communist Facebook or YouTube to reliably host anything, here’s the original video commentary from America’s Man’s Man on our new, secure host. The original Facebook/YouTube Video Link is beneath the new, secure video link.

Mistake #1: Fox Assigns Female Anchorette To Segment

So error number one, right out of the gate, we see the typical Fox and Friends pattern of setting up the anchorette as the authority. Because this is Fox and Friends Weekend on a Sunday, it’s not Ainsley, but a minority stand-in, probably for Equal Opportunity Employment purposes. Heck, why not bring in Shep Smith?

The problem with having a woman cover the segment is that this tells the audience, “Church is a woman’s issue.” While, of course, your typical pussyfooting evangelical in the audience is not going to have a problem with this, real men that get stuff done are going to write off the story because a woman is covering it. Because – we get it. Moreover, there’s a reason Fox News consistently assigns women to the stories like this – usually Ainsley.

The problem is, this doesn’t resonate with actual churchgoers. If you’re going to church today, you’re doing it because you read your Bible. And the Bible clearly says women shouldn’t be leading men, or speaking to them in matters of spiritual significance. Churches that espouse that kind of thinking are dying. So really, the only people who would actually be deceived into thinking a story like this is credible are the churches that betray God and don’t see a problem with women leading men. But those people don’t actually take the Bible seriously, and they certainly don’t watch Fox News.

Who would watch and believe this report? So-called “log cabin republicans” who go to failing churches who, instead of turning to their Bibles, fly rainbow flags in protest against the God who made them. And those churches aren’t going to be around for much longer, except in Massachusetts, where they receive big, fat government subsidies that actual Biblical churches aren’t eligible for.

In Massachusetts, Fake Churches like the Unitarian Universalist church, which flip off the Bible in the most polite way possible, submit to the Sodom and Gomorrah of our age, and are rewarded by Massachusetts government. This being what happens when the Liberal version of combining church and state takes hold in the form of Social Justice Warrior politics, where the state dictates to churches how to care for the poor. The Unitarian Universalist Church – like the one in Gloucester and others – encourage and reward homosexual behavior among poor people, and so they get bailed out continually by the Massachusetts government in the form of contracts with other pro-homosexual Massachusetts-ordained Social Justice Warrior organizations like HAWC and ACTION. So Massachusetts is really up to its old Puritanical tricks, except in this case, the Bible isn’t the authority – the official religion of Massachusetts is strictly Social Justice Warrior. And if there’s anything Social Justice Warriors hate with a passion, it’s the Bible.

If you think Fox News’s non-Christian producers or anchorettes can begin for a moment to comprehend any of this – well, you’re not reading your Bible. Hell-bound generations alone are led by women. And while our good President Trump may be a good start, America is still largely hell-bound, largely because of a failure among church leaders to do the right thing. But again, the Bible is an afterthought for Fox News producers, for whom the Bible is women’s stuff. At least Ainsley is easy on the eyes. Clearly, nobody thought about this careless report. But hey, Fox essentially pronounced a Supreme Court Justice dead prematurely, so while they may be fair and balanced on a good day, they’re seldom careful. Somebody up the budget for that control room. Clean house, Fox News.

Mistake #2: Fox News Turned To A Pollster

Who’s the dude being interviewed? After thoroughly listening to and watching the interview, I can already tell that I don’t trust him, and furthermore, he’s got the facts wrong, because he’s got the wrong approach.

Imagine if instead of climbing Mount Sinai, Moses had taken a poll of the best way for his little church to proceed. Instead of taking instruction from God, what if Moses had instead turned to his orgy of desert-maddened Israelites, and taken a poll. The poll would have gone something like this:

  • Question 1: Should we Israelites worship the golden calf?
  • Question 2: Should we engage in wild Israelite sex orgies?

Now, if Fox’s Fake News were covering this event, it would have resulted in some of the same talking points that this clinical, bureaucratic, church marketing guru announced to this anchorette – who, by the way, is clearly uncomfortable with the subject matter. She know’s she’s in over her head. At least Ainsley is somewhat familiar with the material. This girl is a nominal Catholic. They should call the Weekend morning bit “Filler and Friends,” because that’s all this is, filler. I guess all the Christians were at church when this aired, and that’s why nobody noticed.

In any event, Fox News’ report of the Israelites in their wild orgies probably would have been something like, “Young people are saying that they would like to come to church, but they feel that church elders will be judgmental of their orgies.” Oh, okay. The implicit solution? More drunken church orgies, and more golden calves. Problem solved.

Obviously, that’s a joke, but you see the point: you can’t run anything on pollsters and marketing gurus. It’s just that when you try to approach church that way, because the stakes are high – almost like we’ve said of certain affair-mongering presidents who couldn’t take a morning leak without doing a poll on it first – this is a recipe for disaster. Sadly, many failing churches will listen to this report and follow its advice because they’re feminist churches that don’t actually believe in the Word of God, and simply attempt to use the Bible as an excuse to propagate their own failed, sinful lifestyles to the loss of everyone unfortunate to stumble into such churches.

The Fundamental Problem With This Story

I’m not placing blame here. Nobody approached this fake news with malice, the same way most fakenews is not intentionally borne out of malice. What’s the real problem? I go in-depth on that in this report, but the short answer is technological determinism. The moment you say something in the media, it is automatically warped for reasons beyond the scope of this article, but if you really care about why, read this meta-story about the media.

But let’s get back to this Fox News story specifically, and why it’s Fake News. All lies have a smidgen of truth in them. The smidgen of truth here is that young people reported a problem with a pastoral leader.

I know you don’t have much time, and neither do I, so I’m not going to mince words here. Let’s get to the point:

Today’s Pastors Are *ussies

There we have it. The church is being run by wussies with a capital “P.” Single women attending churches find this kind of *ussified environment found in many mainline denominations – like Lutheran, Anglican, and worse, Universal Unitarian – who are at least honest about their not believing in the Bible on a good day – are *ussefied to the point where their leaders are often actually women! Sometimes, they’re women who are bunking up with other women and calling it matrimony.

I want to apologize on behalf of my hometown of Boston, where I was born and raised. We invented this evil thing called homosexual marriage which God hates. I don’t mean that God hates people, because Jesus made redemption for everybody possible through his life-saving sacrifice on the cross.

Millennials, of course, have been raised by “strong women” who really aren’t strong at all. They’re feminists who are inherently insecure. And so millennials are very polite.

It’s kind of like that weird dude who thinks it’s a good idea to ask a woman what she actually wants in a life partner – and takes her response at face value. That’s what it’s like talking to most millennials. Thankfully, I somehow evaded the spiritual cloud.

Women and wussefied men are alike in that both of them don’t know what the hell they want. When was the last time a woman confessed to you that she wanted to be saved by a worthy, wealthy, spiritually coherent (i.e. non-hypocritical) man with the ability to change the world, and who always uses that ability for the benefit of mankind? I mean, it’s a tall order. It’s almost akin to being at a top-notch restaurant. If you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it.

And this dweeb, this consultant, this church marketing guru, who clearly has no clue about what is going on – thought it would be a good idea to ask millennials why they don’t go to church?

You might as well ask millennials why they hate their fathers, or why they hate God, for that matter. “Oh, I’m just taking a break from church, braaaaaaaa. I just can’t make it.”

Perhaps stupidity like this is simply God’s punishment for those who were stupid enough to watch a Fox News report – completely fabricated by non-Christians, from the producers to the anchorette to the interviewee. Maybe Fox News should do a report on why millennials aren’t watching Fox News.

Takeaways For The Church From This Report

If you’re a Bible-believing Christian, you see through silly FakeNews reports like this from Fox News. However, the important lesson here to note is that because the church has become wussefied, things that were apparent to church leaders from 50 years ago – mainly, that women and children don’t have a clue what they want and need to be shown and lead toward what is right – are what make reports like this almost believable.

Don’t Be That Wussie Pastor Who Gets On God’s Bad Side (Hell)

Lots of pastors who have been saturated with authoritative-sounding anchorettes and other television figures will actually take this report with big spiritual implications seriously, in the same way that churches are actually hiring female pastorettes to lead men. This is a well-known Biblical sign of civilization’s decline, and hell-bound nature most pastors choose to ignore out of fear of the liberal media and unfortunate legislative missteps that have been borne out of liberal media’s influence.

America’s Man’s Man is here to remind you that when you act in such a way that is right, and preach according to the Word, not according to the way non-Christians like those featured in this Fox News report tell you that you should preach, everybody is thankful for it, even the women and children who initially rebelled. And perhaps they’re not even aware that they’re rebelling.

Serve God, Not Man

Pastors, you who have allowed America to become Sodom and Gomorrah, I exhort you to follow the Word of God. Follow God, not men, and certainly not women! Your reward is in heaven, and the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth, if you’re extra-blessed. Fox news might not pay you as a contributor, but God will multiply your investment in His kingdom tenfold.

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