FakeNews Just Can’t Wait To Announce Nonexistent “Gay Gene,” Published “Scientific” Article Can’t Find It – AGAIN

The Wall Street Journal jumped on the Gay Gene bandwagon this morning.

Some evangelistic believer in the cause of “born this way” and his politically correct allies, no doubt scared by the Cure for Homosexuality which GOOGLE BANNED faster than James Damore, announced right here on the America’s Man’s Man blog, decided that this was his time to be a team player and announce what Shep Smith will no doubt be all over this afternoon.

Lady Gaga came out as one more raped lesbian with a lot of anger for women who are successful in what she failed to be successful in; being a wife and having children.

The hoax has been tried before, despite the most credible scientists of a less-brainwashed generation adamantly speaking out against the “gay gene hoax.”

You don’t have to read very far into any number of stories published on the subject to see that while they really want the headline of the “Gay Gene” to be true, all the evidence scientists have been able to dredge up in support of the thing really bears little weight.

The glaring and most important part of the story is, of course, buried, but they can’t bury it very far, in part because it is really the lead. This buried lead in all the liberal papers, including the surprisingly disappointing, left-leaning WSJ artile is simply, across all leftist papers, even:

You CANNOT PREDICT a person’s sexual behavior on the basis of DNA alone, even according to this study which really, really wants to prove that you can.

If you’re struggling with homosexuality, you need to watch this video, banned by Google-Alphabet’s YouTube, from America’s Man’s Man.

And the next time the leftist homosexual perverts start calling you a homosexual because you’re fighting this sick, disturbing, media-imposed psychosis akin to the old hypnotist “you’re a chicken” gag – tell them to F*$& off, because that’s exactly what those bull queers deserve.

I’m sick of my country becoming a freaking New Jersey rest stop. Enough is e-bleeding-anus-NOUGH!

A Cure For Homosexuality

Oh, and if the Cure for Homosexuality isn’t enough for you, here are a million other wise people saying what’s obvious to anyone not raised in this perverted century of FakeNews Communism, which we just declared civil war on here on the America’s Man’s Man Blog (non-violent, always).

America’s Man’s Man’s Response To What The Researchers Actually Did Find

So – what the researchers actually did find is that there are a correlation of genes that lead to a a correlation with the homosexual lifestyle. America’s Man’s Man says that, because homosexuality is a behavior choice with no “gay gene” ever existing, this combination of alleged genetic predispositions, if they do exist, are the same genes that cause a person to be weaker socially and physically than other people. Why? Because these are the qualities that would make a person less able to compete sexually; and thus make them more desperate to cave to the prison bull-queer effect which drives prisoners to pound other prisoners up the ass. Add a little FakeNews suggestion inspired by the communist unions that control the FakeNews, and you’ve got an environment ripe for an entire nation to bend over and grab its ankles, and blame it on DNA, just like alcoholics. Not too bright.

So maybe the Supreme Court wants to go back and rethink this horrendous product of almost a century of FakeNews pro-homosexual, anti-human, anti-American propaganda.

TESTIFY! There IS NO “GAY GENE” No matter how much you want to blame your man-plowing on DNA – or the devil.


Here’s a VERY leftist publication: https://time.com/5662444/gay-gene-study/

Here’s an intentionally MISLEADING story from the guardian. “no SINGLE gay gene.” So what are you idiots implying? Oh, it’s a lot of gay genes. They really want this fakenews lie to be true. Freaking idiot box lowest-common-denominatior idiocy.

Look at this fine piece of FakeNews spin from the failing New York Times: keeping in mind their whole staff is effeminate males: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/29/science/gay-gene-sex.html They just can’t bring themselves to print a truthful headline. They’d probably have a mutiny and lose all their bullquear readers.

Of course, none of this is news to us. They’re still trying to ass-wash the truth. Not too bright, those FakeNews talking heads.

Never mind the Martyrs like Dr. Church who have been destroyed for speaking the truth for decades, in the face of communist gay-stapo propaganda from the FakeNews designed to agitate and destroy America: https://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen3/17c/Dr-Church-expelled/index.html

For a complete list of people fired for faith in natural marriage, for standing up to the bull queer homofascist gay-stapo, check out this running list of those of us Fired for Faith, from the man who started it all.

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