Desensitivity Training For Men

As a prerequisite of federally-imposed bureaucratic business law, today’s American man has become very sensitive. So sensitive, in fact, to the whims of others, that he has quite forgotten himself.

Never fear. America’s man’s man is here to help desensitize you, so that you don’t become another wuss in America’s increasingly unproductive workforce. We don’t care what your Human Resources department has to say. We’re doing this. It’s happening.

Zero Tolerance Policy Toward Homosexuality

On behalf of all American men, I’m hereby implementing a zero tolerance policy toward homosexuality. I know what you’re thinking, and no, I’m not talking about those crazy Sharias. We’ll get to that in just a moment.

Women And Children Before Homosexuals

I know, it sounds ironic in a discussion about desensitivity training, but the fact is that if you stopped listening to the bureaucratic fearmongers running your professional life, you’d stop and realize what men of all ages have known.

Namely, that homosexuality is really disgusting stuff. It works against the interests of America, and against the interests of your own family. And this needs to be said in America’s workplaces without fear of retribution because of misguided laws.

Protect Women And Children From Homosexuals

Women are prone to feel sorry for homosexuals. Homosexuals know this, and exploit this emotional characteristic of women to the maximum. It’s up to men to best understand what’s good for the women in your life. Homosexuals see women as the enemy, because in the twisted mind of the homosexual, a woman is a competitor for his prey.

Good men need to be committed to teaching women to avoid being manipulated by the homosexual. Good men must also be committed to protecting children from homosexuals in wayward government schools.

America First; Men First

Again, this will seem like a paradox at first. A moment ago I said “Women and Children First.” But you can’t take care of women and children if you don’t care for yourself first. I know what you’re thinking. What about all those women out there doing the single mom thing?

Well, the bitter reality is that they have failed at life, and if you’re a single man, you will regret the day that you wander into that dark place, if you have any ambition whatsoever. They will drain the life force out of you, and render you an average joe forever.

You may be content to be an average joe, however, America is a land of succeeders, of hits. Granted, the ultimate decision is up to you. Perhaps you’ve given up. Perhaps you’re content to raise somebody else’s children. Many churches have jumped on this bandwagon. After all, we’ve got to control the population, right?

When Men Come First, Everybody Wins

Wrong. Put yourself first until such time as you’ve met someone you deem worthy of your affection. And then it will be your joy to provide for your family. So, either way, when you put your own God-given desires first in the context of lifelong monogamy, the women and children in your life win. What’s best for you is naturally best for those you love.

When America comes first, the whole world wins, because it has a protector unlike any other it’s ever known, which keeps peace to the extent peace can exist on earth. But that’s not the main reason America is so great. Because the Bible is the key to America’s greatness, America’s exceptional nature allows America to keep on giving its greatest gift to the rest of the world – her Bible.

In the same way, when men come first, everybody else is happier overall. When men aren’t doing well, everybody else suffers. That’s just the way God designed things, so women reading this don’t shoot the messenger, please.

America Is a Christian Nation

This is another principle that will throw some of you, even more so because so many American pastors seem hell-bent toward turning America into something less than Christian, for reasons that baffle even me at times.

Most Americans Today Don’t Act Christian

It’s true. We need missionaries right here in America to help show men how to act like men again, and women act like women. So why do I say that America is a Christian nation?

If you understand anything about the fundamental nature of the American person, and the American nation, you understand that all of the blessings and benefits of being the number one nation in the world are predicated upon the Christian virtues that brought us to this point.

The Bible Makes America Exceptional

Sure, Christianity is a religion, not a science. That means our beliefs are predicated upon faith first and foremost. However, the Bible, the core America belief system, spurned the Declaration of Independence and makes our American Constitution different than every other attempt to make something like America the world has ever known.

Therefore, in order to reclaim America’s former greatness, and truly make America great again, only the Bible has the answers. The Bible is the most perfect book ever written because it has been given to us by God. That means, necessarily, that without the Bible, America is lost.

You might say that America is just fine having removed prayer and the Bible from its government schools, at the behest of constant bombardment of commercial, secular media influence, like the failing news media and other globalist influence. However, schools are violent and unsafe today in a way that is unprecedented in the entire span of American history.

America Is Only As Successful As Its Christians

The lack of the Bible has also corrupted our workforce. People cheat, steal from their employer, and slack off at work, thereby damaging our economy, in large part because they haven’t been educated in the ways of the Bible. The Bible is the secret to America’s success. America rises and falls to the extent that we know and follow our Bibles.

Aren’t All Religions Basically The Same?

No. This is a fallacy imposed by the media. Take any objective look at history, and you’ll find that Islam is actually a cult of Christianity. By cult in this sense, I mean that it is actually a form of Christianity, like Mormonism, which has been twisted in such a way that its core tenets are severely warped. The core tenet of Christianity warped in the case of fundamentalist Islam is that violence is to be used in evangelism. Christians don’t believe this.

You Can’t Beat America, or Her Bible

There also is that bit missing about the deity of Jesus which is the other major heresy of Islam. There are many others, however Islam is fundamentally a warped form of Christianity. And while America has found large success improving upon other cultures, the Bible cannot be improved upon. It’s the one work of art that’s perfect just the way it is, in all sixty-six books of its glory. That’s why it’s the Word of God, and the Best Seller of All Time.

America Is Number One

We’ve touched upon this throughout this article, but what does America’s being the best nation in the world really mean? Well, it’s simply this.

When we follow our Bible, God is pleased with us. All of the blessings we enjoy are due to the fact that for centuries, we taught the Bible in our public schools, our homes, and everywhere. We erected displays of the Ten Commandments displays, and we acknowledged the natural order, with God at the very top.

America has fallen astray and is in need of God’s grace. If we continue to give God His due – which is everything, as Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, we will continue to be the number one nation in the world.

But being the number one nation takes effort. You’ve got to work hard, and you’ve got to make sure that within America, you compete in the national economy by doing the very best you can with whatever you happen to be best at that helps others.

Fight Political Correctness In The Workplace

Don’t talk about sex, religion, and politics, right? Wrong. Real men address these issues every day, because we know that if we don’t exercise our right to talk about them at home and at work, then the day will come when we are banned from talking about them.

Weak Men Don’t Discuss Sex, God, and Politics

Sex, God, and politics are the most important topics of our entire lives, or very high up there. If your employer does not allow you to discuss these topics, then let your employer hire the kind of weak-minded man who doesn’t care about them day-in, and day-out. These are men who have no life ambition and no greater vision than what they’re eating for lunch, or where they’re going out drinking Friday night.

Report and Deport

It’s the one form of acceptable snitching, because it’s not snitching at all. Illegals are serious problem and a threat to national security and your family life, not to mention the economy. Report illegals. For more information on how to help fight the growing illegal problem, visit

“Discriminate” Does Not Equal “Hate”

What do you like? What do you hate? Your thoughts are not crimes unless you live in a dictatorship, and you should never feel guilty about them. Your emotions are not sinful or evil either. What you do with them can be.

Instead of taking your cues from your environment and what the media has to say, listen to your conscience regarding all things, with the understanding that our consciences can mislead us. Be nice to people because you have a desire to be nice to people. Don’t be amenable because you feel forced to. If you’re unsure, consult the Bible.

Be Friendly Only When You Want To Be Friendly

If, for some reason, you feel like you’re being forced to be nice to the people you work with, or respect people who aren’t worthy of your respect, don’t stay in that place too long. Remember, you’re a man. Your dignity is on the line. How much more could you accomplish with your life if you were in an environment where you were respected for your gifts, talents, and abilities?

As much as all of us might like to from time to time, and as much as the media would like to try to convince us of such, it’s not our job to save all the minorities, or the whales, or what have you. And, while we’re on that topic, people should always come before animals because – well, they’re people.

Would you believe that the movie Bambi is the reason that gun sales suffered their first significant decline in America? It’s true! A bunch of girls out there got all emotional, and super-sensitive men took the bait too. And this is why – this is why PETA (exists).

Disliking People Isn’t Killing Them

Adolf Hitler was evil because he murdered people. He had a rather odd philosophy about people. The philosophy was a little weird. After all, a man with blonde hair and blue eyes? I wouldn’t necessarily call that super-masculine. In any event, what made Adolph Hitler a bad dude is that he murdered a lot of people.

There are tons of people who live in the United States in the world who, for better or worse, have similar taste in what makes an attractive person that the evil Nazi leader had. The difference is, this majority of the world doesn’t kill people who disagree.

It’s perfectly normal and natural to develop tastes according to the heart God has given you, in both friends and enemies. Sometimes, you may find yourself gravitating toward people who look a certain way, often because this is a direct result of how much care they take of themselves, other times because of things they have no control over. In any event, this is fine.

Just – don’t murder people, like the Bible says. Hang out with the crowd that’s worthy of being with you, and maybe politely decline the crowd which isn’t. Or maybe decline not-so-politely. It’s up to you. Don’t let bureaucrats in the Human Resource Department following the dictates of communism’s identity politics define your life agenda. That’s between you and God. Just – don’t murder people, or do anything Hitler did.

Choose Your Company Wisely

If you’re going to be successful, though, you need to carefully choose the company that you keep. You always want to hang out with those who challenge you, because “iron sharpens iron.” And you’ll become like the company you keep.

If you hang out with homosexuals routinely, you’re going to act more effeminate and homosexual. That’s the cold, hard reality. So if you want to become more genuinely masculine- for you men, you’ll definitely want to hang out with other masculine men.

And, by the way, don’t just choose the company you keep carefully in terms of your friends. Choose the “company,” or business, you work for, carefully as well. And if they give you a deal, or pay, that is less than what you’re worth, get a job lined up that suits you better before quitting.

And definitely quit. In a better America, more businesses were worthy of loyal employees, doing an honest day’s work founded upon Biblical values. Perhaps you’ll find that company in America today. But keep in mind, while you might feel guilted into a sort of loyalty to many employers today, again, if it’s a bad deal, walk.

And get in the habit of walking from bad deals. You only live this life once. Don’t waste a moment in a work environment that doesn’t meet your terms. Maybe you’re in a bind at the moment. Maybe you can’t afford to switch jobs just yet. Well, take that into account when deciding what your terms are. Just remember, they’re your terms, manly man.

Hang Out With Other Leaders – Or Don’t

If you want to become a leader in your community, you need to hang out with other leaders. Granted, there are many leaders that are less than ideal in America right now. Perhaps you’re wondering how you can hang out with other leaders. Well, don’t start with the president of your company. Start small, and work your way up.

Keep Following America’s Man’s Man

Iron sharpens iron. You’re not in this battle alone. You have the Lord your God to guide you. Remember? America’s God? The God that America was founded upon? America is nothing without God. God is the “secret sauce” that makes America more prosperous, more blessed, than any other nation that has ever come before it.

So read your Bible first of all. And, if you need answers regarding how to apply that Bible to your everyday life, check for the latest from America’s man’s man.

You’re a man. Your thoughts, your needs matter. America, and the world, rises and falls upon your shoulders, by the grace of Almighty God, the good Lord Jesus Christ. Go get ’em.

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