China’s Economic English-Teaching Efforts A House Divided

A Pronouncement Upon China by America’s Man’s Man

This is an epistle to China from America, the source of the American English which you pursue with such worthy and diligent efforts in order to edify the Chinese people. It is both an encouragement to avoid omitting the most important part of the American language, which you are currently doing. This is also a warning as to what will happen if you continue to persecute American-English Teachers who work so hard to serve the Chinese people in your schools and professional edification forums.

China, you clearly understand that American English is the key to your success. We know this from the thousands of Americans you hire every year to teach English. But if you want your economy to be successful like America’s economy, you’ve got to get this one thing right, or else your economy will never enjoy the same kind of success that we enjoy over here in America.

From America’s Breakpoint:

A Beginner’s Mistake

Part of the reason your attempts to teach American English as a means of improving your economy is that many of the teachers you hire from America and around the world themselves don’t completely understand English very well. Specifically, they don’t understand that English and American values are inseparable.

According to one of the truthful news outlets in the United States, it looks like you are attempting to teach English while divorcing it from the values that make the English language what it is. Furthermore, you are repaying the kindness of Americans, Ukranians, and others who have been so kind as to teach your children English with utmost hostility. It is my understanding that Chinese people have a keen interest in wisdom, so please believe this American citizen when I tell you that you are acting very unwisely by hurting those who are seeking to help you. Our Christian, American-English speakers endure dangerous working conditions, unhealthy air pollution which can cause birth defects and cancer, and other maladies because we care about improving the Chinese economy. And we do it in the name of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And yet, you continue to hurt us Christians teaching in China. This is a big mistake on the part of the Chinese government. Not only because it is highly inhospitable, but because you are depriving your very own people the central element of the language that you pour so much effort and resources into teaching, through organizations like EF, or Nova in Japan not too far away.

While you may be successful for a while in attempting to imitate American-style success, and while your citizens may be able to hold superficial conversations with American businessmen, you will not be able to maintain any kind of sustainable long-term business model just from learning English words, phrases, and even grammatical structure, because real English speaking is so much more than all of this.

Many Modern English Teachers In America Don’t Understand

For the first two hundred years of America’s history, America was taught English directly out of the book of America’s God, the Bible. Inherent in that language was the trust, persistence, and faith in the American God, Jesus Christ of the Bible. Even though most English teachers fail to grasp this concept today, without the Bible, it is impossible to grasp the complexities of the best nation in the world, which require a degree of faith and hope to persevere in learning English.

Did you know?

The God of America generally spoke to His leaders, as He did to the Israelites, verbally. While there are exceptions, generally, when something posed as a God that people could look at, it was generally an idol, like the Golden Calf. This might demonstrate why languages with an emphasis on the pictorial nature of characters tend to allow for less expressiveness, and a smaller range of meanings.

When Thomas insisted upon seeing the crucifixion holes in Jesus’s hands, Jesus showed Thomas the marks where the Romans had driven nails into his hands. However, Jesus issued a bit of wisdom while doling out this visual proof, explaining the superiority of belief without seeing.  Before you can have a successful economy, like a successful faith life, you must first believe it to be so; and that is difficult to impossible if you use a more pictorial written language system as a crutch. Again, values are one with language; and it would be a proverbial crime to spend so much time learning the Christian, American-English language and attempt to omit the most important part!

Teaching English Without God Is Useless

Teaching English without teaching the Bible is useless because attempting to do so removes the fundamental essence of the language. See, God has always spoken to the great American leaders of government, the economy, and society in abstract terms. This abstract nature is what makes the American-English language the best language in the world today. If you’ve never been able to connect the English language to the ways God moves in your life, it is very difficult to conceptualize God’s promises. God may very well be working to improve the Chinese economy, however, if you cannot describe his promises, it will be more difficult to do what he requires in order for China to achieve a better economy.

“But the Greatest of These is Love”

God desires to move in a mighty way in China. And China is making great strides toward a better economy by putting lots of effort into teaching English, and aggressively recruiting American-English speakers from around the world to teach in China’s classrooms. However, all of this is in vain if you attempt to remove Christ from the American-English language, because Christ and English are inseparable. If you understand this, you even have the potential to be even more successful than Marxist, unionized government-employed English teachers in America, who also are oblivious to the foundation of God which is the real reason America’s economy is number one.

If you do not understand America’s successful economy as a moral enterprise in turn built upon Christ, China will fail for its lack of understanding of the true values of the individual citizen rooted in his love of God and his neighbor, which drive his personal diligence, which drives productivity. This is because the productive, God-ward, Biblical American man and woman understand that in order to create a successful America, each of us must give more than he takes. Right now, your citizens have no intrinsic motivation to succeed, resulting in your failing economy, which leans heavily upon stealing from the United States. And you might well succeed for a time stealing from the United States, but in the long term, it will lead to your economic ruin.

“He who Has Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear!”

Chinese reader, God allowed you to find this article for a reason. God may very well be preparing to bless China as China has never been blessed before.

The answer for you may be uncomfortable to read, but it is in China’s best interests in the long run. That answer is this: stop depriving Chinese students as young as toddlers the very best part of the English language, and the foundation for both individual/microeconomic and macroeconomic success.

Allow your people to read the precious words of the Gospel, by which Western Culture and yours stand or fall.

America is willing to share the true secret of our success with you if you’d only have the ears to listen, and that is simply this: the American moral enterprise, and her American English language tradition, which you rightly observe is the best in the world, has one solid foundation. It is the same rugged foundation that supports the very best economy in the world here in America.

That foundation is the Word of God.  Learn it; live it; love it.  And some day, you may just experience blessings beyond anything China ever imagined possible. Because, as all real, Christian American-English speakers know, “Nothing is Impossible with God.”

A Pronouncement Upon China by America

As I mentioned, if China embraces the God of the English Language, Jesus Christ, China will prosper. However, if China retaliates against God’s people from America and around the world by attempting to punish churches and prevent students from browsing Christian Web sites, God’s wrath will be poured out against Chinese people. All our English teachers will retreat from your schools, and your economy will suffer not only because you won’t be able to speak English, but because you have rejected the true foundation of English-language success, which is the Holy Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (continued below)

To sum, China, embrace the American religion of Biblical Christianity, embedded so deeply in the language of English as to be inseparable from it. If you do not teach the Gospel, you are not really teaching American English, and you are not really teaching the foundation of a successful Chinese economy. If you attempt to remove Christ from the English language, your students will fail to be productive citizens, and this is the reason. I’m telling you so that you don’t make the same mistake many in the West have made, so you will be more successful than many Westerners who have betrayed the American God if you follow this simple, rational advice. Expect to experience great national crisis and tribulation beyond any disaster China has experienced in history if you fail to follow this advice, especially if you fail to treat American-English speakers with utmost hospitality and respect. That respect begins with respecting our American God, the God of the Gospel, the Holy Bible. His name is Jesus Christ.

Learn more about the one true God in the best selling book of all time, the Holy Bible.

For more on why English is a critical tool for a successful economy, check out Peter’s article, “Good, Better, Best: Why English is Best.L

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