Celebrating Christmas In The Culture WAr’s Ground Zero

How To Celebrate Jesus In An America Where Sodomy Rules

How do you celebrate the Birth of Our Savior, the God of America, Jesus Christ, when we have as a nation so rebelled against him?

For there our captors

required of us songs,

and our tormentors, mirth, saying,

“Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

Psalm 137 ESV

Let’s get personal. I know many people, even within my own family, who to this day have taken the communist bait. They have become convinced, due to their sheer ignorance, that God has made them to stick their penis in another man’s anus. As the Bible says, they have decided they will lie with another man as men ought only lie with woman. But the programming has been at work in the FakeNews and television, and the rest of the entertainment world for years. So let’s get back to basics, and say what needs be said.

Proper Conjugal Relations

Men, when you have sexual relations with your wife, does she ever climb atop you? Do you know that if she’s on top, it is detestable not only to God, but to her? It’s true. No matter what your wife might say, she doesn’t like being on top. The Puritans knew this, and even passed a law which is probably still on the books here in the Hub of the Universe, Massachusetts, though of course the sodomites here never enforce it.

Trust me on this. If you’re having trouble in your marriage as you get ready for Christmas, if you feel that holiday feeling of dread you can’t describe, just try making this simple change. Resist the urge to be submissive, which isn’t only unmanly, it’s downright offensive to any truly Godly woman. And if your woman insists that she be on top, just interpret it as a cry for help from her own past of bad boyfriends and neglectful fathers. Men, stay on top. Take control. Your wife, and your God, will thank you.

Talk About Sodomy At The Christmas Table

You can’t celebrate a proper holiday Christmas ham if the big elephant in the room is what your cousin is doing with his ham – or your niece, for that matter.

So – rather than let that uncomfortable cloud of evil settle over your Christmas table, clear the air. Bring the elephant out of hiding, before it overruns your Christmas dinner with a spirit of evil.

Stick To The Christmas Classics

Instead of going to see a movie that celebrates homosexuality like Frozen or the Frozen sequel, stick to a good, old-fashioned Christmas playlist, such as one that celebrates the history of the song Silent Night during the World War II Truce. Perhaps you might consider watching It’s A Wonderful Life. Celebrate authentic masculinity with Die Hard, or if you live in a place really infested with social justice warriors, as a concession, go with the vastly inferior Lethal Weapon. Even Home Alone and Home Alone II have some redemptive value. The Charlie Brown Special is always fun. I’d probably avoid National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation because it presents some disturbing portrayals of masculinity, like a father who cries. Again, we want to stay away from anything that encourages women to act more whorish, or men to act like weak cowards. Remember, this is the stuff that has reverse-evangelized the church of God in America.

You’ll want to avoid silly celebrations of all the things that ruin Christmas, like Love Actually. Of course, you could always get atop FallMusical.com and preview what everybody will be talking about in Christmas future!

Watch Your Favorite America’s Man’s Man Videos

There’s nothing more Christmasy than keeping atop the latest Americana, Christian Sermons, and Political Commentary from America’s Man’s Man. So talk about America’s Man’s Man this Christmas, and ways you can honor God by serving God and Country. In other words, celebrate everything in our savior’s exceptional nation as you let this Christmas inspire you, as always, to Make America Great Again! Have a very merry, very MAGA Christmas!


If there’s tension at your table this Christmas, it’s probably because the wife is upset that the husband isn’t taking control already. It could be because the FakeNews has convinced Uncle Jim that he’s absolutely justified in lying with another man as he’s supposed to be lying with a woman.

And with the family all gathered together, though it may not give us the warm feelies to take control of the situation, men, say what needs to be said, and make it clear that if it comes to a choice between protecting your family from the sick diseases of sin running rampant from the Bay Area to Buttigieg, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” End of story – Alpha and Omega.

Because, at the end of the day, whether the big vices in your family be alcoholism, sodomy, or the ever-encroaching promiscuity and creeping transsexual insanity – you’ll find that a solid marital relationship, at the end of the day, is the best cure for pot-smoking, lethargy, ADD, and the rest of the laundry list of ills afflicting society today.

Will you stand up for your marriage and family, for a stronger America as Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate Wednesday, wants? The decision to follow the Star of Bethlehem – or not follow it, is yours.

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