AMM on Gender Studies: “Everyone Is Now Dumber”

There are many things of which a wise man might wish to be ignorant.

Henry David Thoreau

In an age where everyone is selling information products, or attempting to sell information projects, one piece of tried and true classic American wisdom tends to get lost. That wisdom is this: some seemingly innocuous information, or knowledge, can actually hurt us.

That is to say, some information can actually make us less intelligent by virtue of the fact that it enters our minds. Commercial jingles and slogans are a great example of this. Here are a few examples of some pieces of information rattling around in your brain that don’t need to be there:

  • “Diamonds are forever.”
  • “Ten minutes can save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.”
  • “Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.”
  • “Because you’re worth it.”  (In context, “You’re worth spending money on skin creme.”)

Here’s a quote from an old movie about useless information, for you millennials reading this. (If there’s not a movie clip, millennials don’t believe it, so I have to include a movie clip for the millennials.)

NOTE RE. FAANG CENSORSHIP-PROOFING THE VIDEO BELOW: Because Real Americans can’t trust communist Facebook or YouTube to reliably host anything, here’s the original video commentary from America’s Man’s Man on our new, secure host. The original Facebook/YouTube Video Link is beneath the new, secure video link.

Gender Studies courses are like watching the movie Billy Madison. Everybody in the room is dumber for having been party to them. The joke is on the audience, or the students.

Gender Studies Is Really Feminist Studies

“Gender Studies,” like so many tools of the left, is an intentional misnomer. If you look at the history of Marxist influence in the United States, the game plan is tried and true. Use media to intentionally misuse a common word so as to obfuscate its meaning beyond all meaning. “Gay” would be one such term.

The Agenda Behind Useless Information Overload

“Gay’ was once a wonderful word with positive connotations. Today, “gay” is the stuff of New Jersey rest stops. “Gay Rights,” anyone? While marketing groups in Boston really concocted this abomination to the Constitution of the United States, it has been media that has successfully propagated this nonsensical term all the way to the Supreme Court. Yes, useless information can be quite destructive.

What Is Gender Studies?

So, we’ve established that “Gender Studies” is not actually gender studies. A more accurate term would be “sexual studies” or “reproductive studies,” but even those are not true to what gender studies actually are. Because Gender Studies courses actually are intentional falsifications of facts based upon an ideology, gender studies is really more of a false religion, because although it’s founded upon a false faith, it’s still an albeit misguided faith. It’s not grounded in science or facts.

It’s not that different from the man-made global warming myth in that regard, another popular political religion of our day. The most accurate name for this religion might be “Feminism,” but because it often begins in the classroom, we’ll simply call it “feminist studies.”

Beware The Yeast Of Feminism

Jesus said “Beware the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees,” as recorded in Matthew 16:6. But he wasn’t talking about actual yeast. He was talking about evil ways, and people who said one thing and did another. In the same way, Gender Studies is more of the same feminist yeast. This might lead you to think that feminism originated with females. However, as surely as women are hard-wired by God to follow the lead of men in Church, family, society, and even outside civilized society, we might reasonably trace the yeast of feminism back to men, even Satan himself.

Everybody remembers how Satan in serpent form tempted eve. However, modern feminist “yeast,” or false teachings, is, like many evils the product of emotions. God designed genuine feminine emotions for a good purpose, but man took these emotions and disrupted them.

A Pill To Solve All Your Problems

Technological Determinism, a subject about which I’m one of the most prolific modern writers, essentially promises that all of one’s deepest philosophical quandaries can be solved by pressing a button. It used to be the power button of the television, but today, for men, it’s often tapping something on the phone. However, there are always side effects.

For women, the modern promise came in the form of a pill circa 1960, from a man named John Rock. Ironically, he was a Catholic man, and the Catholic Church would be one of the birth control pill’s most vocal opponents. That said, at the time, both society at large and the American Church as a whole, yet unbrainwashed by FakeNews media, would stand against “The Pill,” or the birth control pill.

The False Premise Behind The False Promise

Remember how earlier we talked about how “gender studies” is really evil feminist yeast, because it actually harms women? Well, the “birth control” pill was really not merely a birth control pill. It was, and remains, a largely hormonal modifier, of the type that we healthy eaters don’t even like in our Farm Animals.

And yet, the idea was that men were upset that women didn’t live up to men’s standards. And so it was simpler, at the time, for bad men like John Rock, to offer women the evil apple in the form of a pill. The evil whisper: “Take this and you can have a beautiful family on your terms, when and where you want. And you will know what only a man knows. You will gain man’s respect by becoming like men.”

For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Satan, as recorded in Genesis 3:5

Well, when women take the pill, they do become like men. They begin to grow facial hair, and their natural feminine inclinations toward avoiding dirty men into their lives and bodies are eroded. They begin to develop a desperation toward sexual relationships that drives them to lose their virginity to the wrong person and live an entire life trying to get back the sense of self-worth and dignity they lost with it.

This is why Abby Johnson, a repented Planned Parenthood director, recommends going off the pill before getting married, because if you’re on the pill, your personality is so Jekyll-and-Hyde that when you do finally go off it, your husband won’t know who you are, leading to tensions that have unfortunately ended in divorce for many couples.

According to even insanely hardened leftists like Malcom Gladwell, taking birth control can even result in cancer. So, there are a lot of issues with the pill, but the main one, perhaps, is the generalized loss of a woman’s femininity and personhood as she degenerates into a kind of science experiment whereby she ends up taking on masculine characteristics. In short, birth control makes you ugly. Breitbart, of course, covered this more bluntly.

“Gender Studies,” today’s breeding ground for modern feminist yeast, continues to perpetuate the false promise to women. Like all false religions, the religion of “Gender Studies” is illogical, and is best sold to desperate young women who repel good men because they’re on the birth control pill.

Confronting The False Religion Of Gender Studies And Feminism

There was a time in America when every pastor worth his salt understood that feminism is indeed whoredom, the prostitution of the feminine soul. God tells us in the Bible that if you’d like to know whether a teaching is good or evil, look at its fruits. And feminism has created, unfortunately, none less than a Sodom and Gomorrah where Christian America once existed.

If you’re looking for a sign from God to beware the yeast of the feminists – and the homosexuals, by the way, this is it. If you’re like most Bible-believing leaders, you know the right thing to do, but you’re afraid to do it. But this is why the church is losing the battle. Warn your children about the dangers of the religion of feminism and homosexuality propagated by our media right here in America. Do not allow feminist teachings to infiltrate your Bible studies, sermons, or any other aspect of church life.

Remind the females in your congregation to avoid subtle appeals to their evil, and that taking shortcuts to “the good life” inevitably result in anything but. Remind them that God’s word is the same today as it was a century ago, even millennia ago, when even the most hardened anti-Church person understood that the purpose of sexual relations is to have children within a marriage – and all the other happiness that comes with it is mere icing.

While “The Pill” might seem tempting, like the apple in the garden, like every other push-button solution to life offered by technological determinism, it comes with side-effects that those pushing those pills very conveniently forget to mention. Unfortunately, the difference between “the pill” and so many other pushbutton solutions in our industrialized society is that “the pill” is probably the only false solution that delivers precisely the opposite of what it promises to women. Namely, a life filled with undesirable, girly types of men, and a complete and total loss of your own gift of femininity. This complete and total forsaking of God’s most precious gift to women is a prerequisite to the false religion of Gender Studies.

If you prefer a video commentary, check out America’s Man’s Man’s commentary from the road.



As soon as you get on the Internet, people are trying to sell you information you don’t need. It’s like that old eastern-European marketplace, where everybody is shouting and haggling over price, and if you were to actually listen to most of it, and buy everything people were screaming at you to buy, you’d probably end up poor and dead.

Today’s academic market usually is a little bit better-vetted than the internet in terms of being a marketplace of generally useful ideas. However, in the case of Gender Studies, it’s one of those pieces of information – like most of the stuff that floods your inbox, Google, and FakeNews consumption – that ultimately seeks to exploit, rather than edify you. So don’t fall for it.


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