Getting The Guy You Want

This one’s for the girls.

What do men want? How do you attract the guy of your dreams? Well, it might start with the acknowledgement that it might be just that – a dream. If you’re okay with that, you’ve got the level head to keep reading.

America’s Man’s Man recently held a focus group of sorts among a group of girls. The conversation went something like this. Obviously, we changed the names.

I met Taylor the other day. He’s perfect. He asked me my name.

He friended me on Snapchat. And then he DM’d me. Now, I’m not sure what to do. I want him to talk to me, but I kind of don’t.

There weren’t any guys present in the above exchange. Someone changed the subject, because nobody among the girls knew quite how to advise the girl who used to have a thing for Taylor, but now isn’t so sure – and with good reason.

See, if Taylor’s like most guys, he’s been watching some deal of Netflix, because his father might not be fully aware of the dangers of watching Netflix. Taylor might be watching cartoons like “F is for Family,” written by homosexuals like most of the things on Netflix. And it must be stated very clearly that homosexuals don’t like women. That’s what makes them homosexuals.

You have to remember that homosexuals don’t like being homosexuals, but they’re scarred out of approaching real women by the legions of women raised in the insanity of the so-called sexual revolution. It created feminists. And so Taylor, like lots of American kids, with parents heavily influenced by CNN, probably is simply scared to ask out the attractive girl quoted here.

So, what does a girl do in this situation? The homosexual commentators on Fox News, CNN, NPR, and all the other wussefied media channels – including Netflix, would almost certainly advise you to “go out there and get what you want.” In other words, they would advise you to ask Taylor out, maybe buy him a non-alcoholic beverage. Heck, these days, they’d probably advice you to try to get Taylor liquored up and wear lots of provocative outfits, because this is what NPR, CNN, and the rest of them envision as female empowerment. However, this is a losing game, because if you do this, you’ll inevitably end up getting bored with Taylor and throwing him away, leaving you even more upset than if you had never dated him at all.

A better idea is to bake Taylor something. Do something that shows that you’d like him to talk to you. If he can’t talk to you, your instinct is probably right – you probably don’t want him to, for good reason.

Taylor hasn’t gotten over his media-imposed complex, which will render him unable to care for you, and so if you do buy him something, or even ask him out, you can expect to be taking him on dates and buying him things your whole life – which is why you kinda sorta didn’t want him to talk to you when he direct messaged you. If he can’t talk to you, there’s something wrong. And it may very well be that he doesn’t like you. More likely because he direct messaged you rather than talked to you, he’s simply embarrassed about himself because of a low-self image. If he doesn’t get over this, he’s really no good to you, or anyone, really. And you instinctively picked up on this, because it’s what you do!

That said, if you want to find out for sure whether he’s got what it takes to be your future husband, do something nice for him. Put yourself out there, and give him every opportunity to show you that he’s not a dweeb, and that he can hold his own, even control the conversation, and take you on an adventure.

If he can’t do that after you bake him a pie – maybe a healthy pie that you know he likes, or do something of that nature – another thing you could do is invite him to a family gathering – it might be a good idea to face the reality early on that Taylor might fall into that majority of guys that are simply so brainwashed by homosexual-written television shows on Netflix and the like, and feminist ideology, that he’s not capable of being a good long-term match. This will free you to find someone better.

It’s difficult to find attractive, Christian guys in 2019. In fact, there aren’t many of us in 2019. America is a generation that has become so maligned by the FakeNews and other media influence, and its sense of self-loathing, many Americans have simply bought the lie that America, and particularly the very best of us, are somehow guilty. But that’s only the homosexual media writers and news anchors trying to transfer their very real guilt from failing to have successful relationships of their own to you. Misery likes company, and so most of the time, it’s just the miserable people who work in the media trying to share that misery and push it on you – and the people you love.

Hang in there, though, and eventually, you might very well happen upon that guy worth courting and eventually marrying, as more and more men awaken to the fact that media has been duping us out of our birthright here in America.

America is a moral enterprise based on good, Christian, and predominantly, historically white culture, and that’s a good thing. It’s a culture sought after by most of the world. So maybe advise Taylor to pick up a few tips from America’s Man’s Man, and cancel your Netflix subscription, and stop listening to evil reporters just trying to share the misery from their own unsuccessful lives.

We’re going to have lots more advice here from America’s Man’s Man to help you reclaim your birthright, so direct your man here for more. And thanks for following America’s Man’s Man, redeeming America in the name of Christ.

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