Black Friday A Black Day For The Masculine Look

Image result for anorexic man
This Black Friday, Skinny Is Totally In In Major US Cities.

As the FakeNews media and its minions continue to promote the androgynous, Frilly look – you know the type, the punk skinny guy with the nose-ring and the flock of seagulls haircut –

“Athletic Fit” shirts are getting rarer and rarer at the types of places the middle class typically shops – like Macy’s. Which, by the way, has been afflicted by all sorts of leftist marketing campaigns of its own, though not as bad as Target, which can’t seem to figure out why it’s a bad idea to admit weird men into the restroom. Maybe because the men are wearing girl-shirts.

While “Slim Fit” Styles Proliferate Department Stores Like Macy’s, Athletic Fit Shirts Are Impossibly Difficult To Find. AMM Attributes This Trend To Pro-Androgynous Media Influence

Anyway, with plenty of stretch slim-fit selections, today’s crop of wussy millennials will find plenty of slim-fit shirts to show off their rib cages, man-boobs, Adam’s Apples, and all those other things television and Google tells them are really, really hot. This as girls in such urban centers as New York and Los Angeles are all about trimming the perfect mustaches.

If you do work out regularly, or have a more authentic masculine figure, you or the gym lugs you’re buying for are going to have to shell out the big bucks this year for tailored shirt, as the masses of millennial men continue to be duped by media messages which are unhealthy, unattractive, and really, downright perverse.

Happy Black Friday weekend.


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