BigTech LinkedIn & FakeNews Bloomberg Encourages Millennials To Quit Their Jobs To Promote Communism, Destroy America From Within

LinkedIn’s pitch is that they’ll help you professionally, but it seems they’re bent on taking down America’s economy, or “dismantling it,” as their friends squatting in the White House are fond of saying.

The unholy axis of evil which is Silicon Valley and FakeNews are at the same thing the FakeNews has been at for the last century. In this case, a picture is worth a thousand words.

LinkedIn, operated by Bill Gates, employs a bandwagon sales pitch, as the FakeNews Media always does, to try to convince millennials that it is unreasonable to show up at work, and that they should instead, in effect, quit to collect welfare from the Government.

It’s part of BigTech’s strategy to sever all social life so that millennials will be further beholden to antisocial click-habits which feed the BigTech coffers, which further divide America against each other on behalf of our foreign enemies like China, and so on.

Of course, because you’re reading this, you know that capitalism frees more men and women from slavery than any other economic system that has ever been designed, and capitalism, as well as libertarianism, can only exist among a “Moral and Religious” people within a Christian, Constitutional Republic.

This is America’s Man’s Man,

Your General In The Culture War

If you’d like to help America’s Man’s Man redeem America for Christ, please be in touch. America needs good, godly, moral Americans like you to step up to the plate and take our country back for Jesus Christ.

It would be counter-productive for me to send you to the FakeNews Bloomberg Web site beyond this commentary, however, if you’re intelligent to see the virtue in this article, you’re intelligent enough to find it. I don’t know why you would want to, and I encourage you to meditate on the Bible and all things good, and true, and holy, and pure, and American instead. Obviously, Bloomberg and the FakeNews, and the Antisocial Media don’t qualify.

It comes as a reminder that we all need to be careful what apps and platforms filter the information you receive. Bank of America wants to sell your kids credit cards; Google wants to sell them porn, and apparently, Bill Gates and Facebook are trying to start their own country by digitally locking down our monetary and health systems. It’s what some American churches have long called the “Mark of the Beast.” And it’s preventable in America, if only we would be wise as serpents and innocent as doves as the Lord of Christianity commands. (Matt 10:6)

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